Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Want It? Win It! Wednesday: ZoeLynn & Co.

This week's giveaway comes from Zoelynn & Co.

I am a stay-at-home mother of two amazing little ones ages 3 , 1 and #3 due in May. I began making embellished headbands for my daughter, Zoe, just for fun. Every time Zoe went out wearing a new headband, people would always ask, "Where in the world did you buy that fabulous headband?" I would then inform them that I made it myself. People continuously told me that I should sell them and here I am a few weeks later opening up own Etsy Store selling these unique versatile headbands.

ZoeLynn & Co. has so many darling headbands!

And do you know what's so cool?
The gorgeous flower is also a clip!

ZoeLynn & Co. is giving away a Zany Zoe-Tumble Roses Headband.
Isn't it lovely?

Do you WANT IT?
Well, you can WIN IT!
If you want to win
then here is what you need to do!

(this MUST be completed for any other extra entries to count)

Follow Funky PolkaDot Giraffe through Google Friends Connect and leave a comment telling me you're a follower and tell me which item from ZoeLynn & Co. you find most enchanting.

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!

Extra Entries:
(You MUST complete the mandatory entry before completing any extra entries.)

1 Extra Entry: {LIKE} ZoeLynn & Co. on Facebook (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter and Tweet: (leave 1 additional comment)

Enter to win a darling headband from ZoeLynn & Co. over at @funkyPDgiraffe #giveaway

1 Extra Entry: {ADD} my button to the HOMEPAGE of your blog.
1 Extra Entry: {INVITE} THREE crafty bloggers to TOO Cute Tuesday and tell me which THREE people you invited to join us!

This GIVEAWAY will end on Tuesday, March 22nd at midnight PST.

1 lucky reader will be selected using and will have 72 hours to claim the prize or a new winner will be chosen.
The winner's name will be posted in a blog post and at the top of the blog.
You must respond either in a comment or via email.

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