Friday, December 9, 2011

Angry Birds Birthday Playdate

This year we had an Angry Birds Birthday Playdatefor JT's 6th Birthday.
He invited his friends from kinder carpool and his bestie Jeremy.

This was supposed to be less stressful for me and more fun for JT :)
We started with decorating our treat bags.
I printed off coloring pages from Cartoon Jr.
and the kids colored them.

Then Jaime and I helped them cut them out and they glued
them onto their bag.

Then we played a little Angry Birds game.
The kids loved it, but it was hard waiting their turns :)

Then we headed outside in the Angry Birds costumes
that my friend Kirsten had made her family for Halloween.

The kids loved them!!!!
First they just ran wild . . .

And then they broke into a more organized game
of DUCK, DUCK, Angry Bird!

No Angry Birds Birthday would be complete
without some super cute cupcakes!

So I begged hired my cousin Cory of Lady Cupcake's Corner
to make some awesome toppers and she shipped
them to me for the big day.

JT requested red velvet cake.
6 kids + red velvet = No Bueno.
So we ate them outside.

One of the fun things in the goodie bag was
an Angry Bird mask that I made for the kids.
As you can see,
my model wasn't a willing participant.

However, the other kids loved them!

Here's how I made them:

Cut out all the pieces using my template,
cutting two of each piece.

Then I top stitched around the beaks and the feather fluffs.

Then I basted the feather fluff and 11 inch piece of elastic
to the back piece.
Then stitched the front piece to the back piece
and stitched around the eye holes.

Then, I changed thread to match the beak
and sewed it onto the mask.
Finally, I used Fabric-Tac to glue the
angry eyebrows onto the mask.

If you'd like to make your own mask,

you can download my pattern pieces HERE!!!!!

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