Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ice Cream Cozy & Other Important Business

So I totally made this ice cream cozy for my father in law
for Christmas and I forgot to post about it!
Well, I actually forgot to take pictures before I gave it away.
So I collected it this weekend I could take some.

You see, my father in law likes ice cream.
And he likes to eat it out of the container.
But that makes his hand cold.
So he usually wraps a kitchen towel around it.
But that is so not fashionable or crafty! LOL

So, when I saw this tutorial over at Make It and Love It
I decided I needed to make him one.
The only problem is, he doesn't eat out of the Ben & Jerry's size containers.
We're talking the 1.5 quart size here, people.

Ashley's tut was for a little ice cream container,
but she did mention to measure your own ice cream container.
So I went to my freezer,
and to my horror,
we didn't have any ice cream in the freezer!

So I put out a little shout out on Facebook and my friendly Yahoo group
asking my peeps to hook me up with the circumference
of your typical ice cream container.

And within 15 minutes,
they came to my aid - and in no time flat I had a BIG ice cream cozy.
However, I learned a very important thing.
Husbands that are good at math,
but that don't sew,
are not the ones to ask for sewing advice.

See how it's extra tall, but doesn't overlap going around?
That was my husband's design, but not what I had in my mind.
Oh well, it's cute and my father-in-law thought it was cool.
However, he would like the bottom to be covered too.

(I'm linking up HERE)

I love responding to all the comments I get on the blog.
Love it.
I like connecting with you.
However, sometimes when I hit {REPLY}
I get this sad little email address.

And when that happens, I can't reply.
Sad, sad days.

But never fear!!!!!
Go over to House of Smith's
and Shelley will show you how to fix it.

did you see my right-hand column????
I have some awesome sponsors this month.

Yuri's Design

I'm so excited to share a little bit about each one of them in the next few days.
I hope you'll hop over and visit them today.
I promise that you won't be disappointed.


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