Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs:{FABULOUS TUTORIAL} Edition

Happy Saturday!!!
The fields are closed and no t-ball game this morning :(
There were so many awesome tutorials,
so I wanted to share some of them with you.

But FIRST!!!
If you are reading this will you PLEASE go and vote for IVORY COAST??

I got within 11 of my competition,
but now I'm down 50!!!!

I know you can help me win!
And if I do, I'll do a RAD giveaway here on the blog.
You can VOTE HERE.

And I'd love you forever if you tweeted or FBed and told your friends to vote too.

{Cardi & Dress Refashion by Domestic Deadline}

{Rainbow Shirt by Sumo's Sweet Stuff}

{Crocheted Earrings by KooKoo Crafts}
These didn't have a tutorial, but I thought they were so cute.

And Me Sew Crazy has TWO fantastic tutorials
{BIG BOW Metal Frame Purse}

Thanks for joining me.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Did you VOTE???
(P.S. You can vote more than once if you have different devices ie phone, iPad, etc)

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