Friday, March 4, 2011

Funky Friday Feature: The Autocrat

Hey! Funky Polkadot Giraffe Readers!

It’s Haley here from The Autocrat!

I am super excited to be here!

I wanted to share with you all a few super EASY baby gifts
that you can make yourself. I know some of these ideas have
been done before, but get some inspiration!

Get out your sewing machine, hot glue gun,
Modge Podge, and embellishments to whip these up!

Oh how I wish I had kids!
But it’s okay,
I have BFF’s with kids …. I get to send them home when I am tired!




I am also the go to person for baby showers within my group of friends.
Here are the links to a few that I have thrown.

Do you need a baby shower corsage? Click {HERE} for my tutorial.

Thanks for having me over! I like to share things that I have made
to show people that it can be easy to make fabulous things. Hope you were
able to get some inspiration for that next baby gift.

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