Thursday, October 7, 2010

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner! (Days 3-5)

Wednesday - Day Three Winners

Then winner of Giveaway #1 -
Trick or Treat bag from Strawberry Sweetie's Shoppe


BubbaandM said...

I follow her blog and left a comment.

Then winner of Giveaway #2 + Tutorial -
Rolled Flower Brooches from Tatertots & Jello


The Palmers said...

I am a follower of your blog

Giveaway #3 - Scripture Tote from Kristen's Junk Drawer


Erika said...

Would love to see headbands with interchangable flowers :)

Thursday - Day Four Winners

The winner of Giveaway #1 -
Halloween Countdown Blocks from Dragonfly Wishes

Kikal said...

My favorite are the little pumpkins!

The winner of Giveaway #2 -
$20 to Polka Dots on Parade

Larissa said...

I love the Jailhouse Rock Elvis Potholder Hot Pad Set and the Apple Pear Polka Dot Potholder Hot Pad Set. Never enough potholders!

The winner of Giveaway #3 -
Your choice of a Christine & Co. handmade pendant


sy said...

i hearted her shop, i love the Witchy woman pendant.

Friday - Day Five Winner

The TWO winners of Giveaway #1 -
Custom Digital Silhouette for TWO winners from ashtinafayelou


Jennifer T said...

I "like" you on FB!

Kikal said...

I'd definitely get them done of my kids!

HOORAY for all the winners.
I tell you, this was the week to be the first commenter!
Number 1 was picked by THREE times.

Winners have 48 hours to respond to my verification email
(ie 10:30AM PST 10/9/2010)
or I will choose new winners!

You have until MIDNIGHT PST today to enter
Lady Cupcake's Corner
(remember there will be FIVE winners)
and my giveaway.

Stay tuned because my
Tricks of the Trade Bow Tutorial is coming tomorrow!

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