Monday, October 18, 2010

What's in your mailbox? Monday

Hi blog friends!
Well, I had one person join in my
What's in your mailbox? Monday linky party last week.
Maybe this week we'll get two :)

I love getting REAL mail.
So I thought it would be fun to do a linky party on Mondays
called- What's in your mailbox? Mondays.
And we can share the awesome stuff we got in our
snail mail
real life mailbox
during the previous week.

So, what's in your mailbox this past week that you thought was extra cool or special?

Rules -
It has to be something you RECEIVED in your mailbox.
That's it!
Link us up!

This week I got this darling Cupcake I-Spy bag from Giggle Junction
for a product review/giveaway I'm doing next week on my cupcake blog.
The kids are in love with it and I think I'll be purchasing a farm one soon!

Here's a button to grab if you link up!

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