Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-tay!

Hooray! I'm so glad so many joined in my first TOO Cute Tuesday.
There were so many darling projects out there.
Thank you so much to everyone who linked up and shared.

I am a sucker for candy corn, so I love the dress,
hair clip, and rosette necklace by Nancy 's Couture.

I am totally OBSESSED with mustaches right now.
They are on my never-ending, never stared TO-DO list :)
So these crayon mustaches over at Crossing the Bugger-Dixon Line
totally caught my eye.
My sister-in-law texted me a picture of this candy corn wreath she made.
It's so cute!
So I bugged and begged for her to link up :)
She knows I love candy corn inspired items.

I am a ruffle fiend.
I buy them up if I can -
leggings for my daughter,
cardis for myself,
handbags, hair accessories.
So this cute tote by Libby at The Bonjours
is a must have!!!

And finally this awesome handmade puppet
from Reef Botanicals and she gives a tutorial on how to make your own!

Hooray for everyone that linked up last week!
What are you up to this week???
Here's what I've been making.
Flattering self-taken phone pic, huh?

(however, my necklace rocks!)

What did yo make this week that is TOO Cute??

Come link up!
  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!

ETA: I'm having problems with Blogger and Photobucket and my button isn't working right now. I'm sorry. Hoping to have it resolved soon! So please use my general button for now.

ETA: I think it's fixed! Sorry! Let me know if you have any problems.

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