Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog Award!

So fun!
I received a fun blog award from Erin at Living a Dream.
Thanks so much Erin!
So I get to share with you 10 blogs I love
and 10 things I love.

10 Blogs I love
(in no particular order

1. Creation Corner
Tasha is seriously crafty & kind - the best kind of person.
Plus her mom, dad and little are awesome :)

2. Joy's Hope
Julie makes me smile. No matter the topic.
Toffee crack. Havaiana & Burt's Bees obsessions.
Flying on sketchy airline to Holla-nd.
She makes me smile.

3. Sugar and Dots
Kimmie is good peeps.
She sends me happy Tweets.
And designed her own blog awesomeness.

4. Tatertots & Jello
I am totally inspired by every awesome
thing that Jen makes.

5. Oopsey Daisy
Alison makes the most awesome stuff
and she is so willing to share all about it.

6. 30 Days
Mique has an awesome name.
Hosts an awesome handmade market in SoCal.
And blogs about awesome stuff.

7. Eclectic Whatnot
Ruthanne is just so darling!
Her camera straps are darling.
She blogs about awesome road trips & GPS.
(like unto me)

8. My3boybarians
Phenomenal Photographer.
Shares what she knows freely.
Sweet, sweet lady.

9. Eli's Lids
This lady makes me belly laugh.
She is all over the OC doing RAD stuff with her cute kids.

10. Crap I've Made
Stop it.
Doesn't the blog name say it all?
Char is fantastical.
P.S. Check her out. It's never crap.

10 Things I Love
1. My awesome family.
Hubby, kids, parents, inlaws, siblings, grandparents, cousins . . . love 'em all!
2. The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-Day Saints
3. Girlfriends
4. Fabricpalooza
5. Cupcakes - in all shapes, sizes, and mediums
6. Target
7. Ice cream
8. Bajio Pineapple Shrimp Salad
9. My Nikon D5000 w/ Ruthanne Ruffles
10. Disneyland during the Holidays

So, if you received the award, you can pass it on to 10 more AWESOMESPICE women.
But only if you want to :)

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