Saturday, October 2, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 6: GIVEAWAY #1


Howdy PAR-TAY goers!
Did you enjoy the week?
We're here on our last day of the PAR-TAY and I'm sad!
I've loved hearing from all of you
and I hope you'll stick around and keep visiting
once the PAR-TAY is over.

I'd like to introduce you to my "cousin" - Cory.
I say "cousin" because our husbands are cousins,
but we always say we're cousins,
and then we go into this whole explanation about
how our husbands are cousins because
my husband's dad and her husband's mom
are brother and sister.

She's a woman of many talents.
She makes GORGEOUS things out of fondant.
And since we both adore cupcakes,
she had the genius idea to do a cupcake blog together.
Then, one day, she realized if she could make awesome
things out of fondant, why couldn't she make them out of clay!

So, now she also runs a cute little Etsy shop called Lady Cupcake's Corner
and has an awesome blog called Sometimes I Craft Myself.
If you live in Utah and are regulars of The Sweet Tooth Fairy
(Like I wish I could be- VaNIElla, that is all.)
you might have seen her awesome
cupcake key chains in their shops.

She also makes cute coasters . . .

spooky paintings . . .
and cute clips . . .

that you can hang artwork or Christmas cards on during the holidays.
And of course, because she is Lady Cupcake,
she has darling cupcake items.
Like these cutesy business card holders.

I *LOVE* the cupcakes,
but I can't wait for the custom Funky PolkaDot Giraffe she's making me.
::hint:: ::hint::

The awesome thing about having such a craft cousin
is that I get awesome crafty presents.
I own a set of coasters, a set of clips for my Christmas card display,
and as a goodbye present,
(sadly she moved FAR away from me this summer)
I got a cute purple cupcake key chain.

Cory is here to giveaway,
not one,
not two,
not three,
not four,
but FIVE cupcake key chains to FIVE lucky winners.
To enter
Head on over to Lady Cupcake's Corner and have a look around.
*HEART* her shop and then
come back here and leave me a comment telling me which TWO items are your favorites.
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.
(not per email address - per person)

You can also find Lady Cupcake's Corner on Facebook!

Giveaway ends Oct. 7th at MIDNIGHT PST

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