Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I {LOVE} Wednesday: Here's to May!

It's been a weird year.
And it's almost half over.
And I keep asking myself - when will it settle down? Be normal?
I hate to wish away time,
because it's so fleeting already,
but sometimes it's so tempting!!!!

So I'm not going to wish it away.
Here's to May!
I'm going to make it the best month ev-ah!!!


Slightly Askew
Belleza Mia

Pie 'N the Sky
My Creation Corner

Ume Crafts

I {HEART} my HOLLA necklace from Amy Cornwell.
It makes me smile :)

What are you lovin' on this week?
Anything you want for Mother's Day?
Give me some good ideas :)

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