Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What I {LOVE} Wednesday: Cupcakes & Fabric

So, my garage is totally out of control.
Between Christmas decorations, bins & bags of baby clothes,
boxes upon boxes of my 2nd grade teaching supplies,
our food storage, plus bikes, strollers
and other miscellany, I'm feeling like an episode of
HOARDING: Buried Alive.
It makes me anxious to pull in and see the chaos.

So after sewing and shooting a tutorial for Thursday,
I hauled the Littles downstairs and started
sorting through the bigger items.
I've decided to list several things on the dreaded Craigslist,
donate some and CHUCK lots and lots.
I filled an entire box with shoes that no longer fit
my 5 year old and probably haven't for over a year.

Wish me luck!

Here's what I'm loving on this beautiful Spring day.

{Fluffer Nutter Cupcakes @ Random Thoughts of a Supermom}

{Rosette Bud Earrings @ Allora Handmade}

{Happy HoHo Monster-Squeak @ Little Bit Funky}

{Happy Skirt @ Sew Sweet Patterns}

{Cake Bunting @ Boobahblue}

And these cute faces!!!
(excluding mine)

P.S. But seriously, if you're a local elementary school teacher (K-2)
and are looking to build your stash, I could hook you up
with some serious stuff for a reasonable price.

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