Friday, May 27, 2011

Funky Friday Feature: Polka Dots on Parade

Hi Friends!!

I'm Jaime from Polka Dots on Parade and I'm soooooo excited to be guest posting on the Funky Polkadot Giraffe today!!

It's especially exciting since I know Kyla in real life and she is one of my great crafty inspirations!! We are friends first because we are related by friendship - our Mom-in-laws are besties - and second because of our serious fabric addiction!

I spend most days in my pajamas, homeschooling my sweet boy and reading as many books as possible to my sassy adorable little girl! It's always a new adventure around here!

My great love besides fabric is food!! Today I want to share a couple of fun foodie ideas for the upcoming patriotic holidays!

I LOVE red, white, and blue and I'm so excited to start the patriotic season with my favorite course, DESSERT!!

This was my original vision - A cupcake flag!!

Everything is better made out of cupcakes, right?!?

Can't you just taste them?!?

Between the fresh fruit and the marshmallows,
this is an all-ages crowd pleaser!!

My second idea uses up the not so cute cupcakes that I always seem to end up with! Am I the only one??

These are so patriotically adorable!!

Happy Eating this season!!

I hope you'll POP on over to Polka Dots on Parade
for more fun food and crazy craftiness!!

Thanks for having me Kyla!!

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