Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Have You Bookmarked from Blogland? Linky Party

I'm so glad you took the challenge to make something
you've bookmarked from Blogland.

We all do it.
Find awesome stuff around Blogland and bookmark them.
I currently have hundreds of ideas bookmarked.
I've actually made a handful of them.

This week it felt good to actually make one of them,
instead of just adding it to my bookmarks lists - never to be seen again.

My inspiration bookmark were the Resurrection Rolls
posted by Feathers From My Nest.
(I can't seem to find a way to link directly to her post.)

Here are mine!

They were so fun and the kids (and adults) loved them.

Lesson I learned - make enough for each person to have at least three.
True story.

Ok, let's see what you made over last two weeks!
  • Must be made by you and you must link to the inspiration for your project in your post.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!

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