Monday, April 25, 2011


I was so excited that some of the famous bloggers that I stalk love,
agreed to meet me for lunch while I was up in Utah.

Of course, it was a crazy Spring break day at Chick Fil A,
so the surroundings were wild,
but it was fun.

My cousin and my sister-in-law came for moral support.
I was so nervous - because I am crazy.

Cousin * Sister-in-law * Nikki (Salty Pineapple)

It was so fun to see some of the creative ladies I was hoping to meet at Creative Estates.
And super awesome Tauni - who is a co-founder of Creative Estates -
brought me a little gift from the conference.

Nikki {Salty Pineapple} * Becca {BCD} * Tauni {It's a Tradition} *
Char {Crap I've Made} * Lara {Less Cake More Frosting}

It was all done last minute - like within 24 hours -
so I was thrilled that these five awesome ladies could come.
Thanks ladies!!!
It was awesome to meet you all.
Here's to SLC in 2012!!!!

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