Saturday, April 9, 2011

'Til We Meet Again Grandpa Meyer

My wonderful, amazing, fantastic, loving, strong,
kind, hard working, funny, sweet, darling
Grandpa passed away early yesterday morning
from complications due to angioimmunoblastic t-cell lymphoma.

The great grandkids had taken to calling him Grandpa Great.
It was the perfect name for him.
He was great in every aspect of his life.

I remember once saying that I was very lucky.
He quietly corrected me by saying - You are very blessed.
Truer words were never spoken.

JT's middle name was chosen after him.
It's a strong German name.

(Grandpa at about 5 years old)

JT is proud to have it.
In the last 2 years, he had taken to calling him Grandpa Theodore.

I remember calling him to ask if it was ok to name JT after him.
He was very quiet, didn't say much, got off the phone quickly,
but told me that would be "just fine".
A few minutes later my Aunt called to tell me
that he was so emotional he just couldn't talk.
That it meant so very much to him.
It meant so very much to me.

JT usually goes by his initials,
but often I call him by his full name for various reasons:)
Once someone asked him what his name was and he said,
"JT. But my mom calls me Jason Theodore a lot."
It's true.
I'm proud of the name.
I love how it sounds.
I love that it reminds me of such a great man.

He just might be called by his full name a lot for a few weeks :)

Thank you, Grandpa.
Thank you for the sweet memories.
For the summers pruning sweet peas and working on the "crick".
Thank you for trips to the Tee Box and fresh raspberries and milk for breakfast.
Thank you for the 24/7 orange juice and ice cream after dinner.
Thank you for the laughs and jokes.
Thanks for taking lots of pictures of a little girl that once loved having her picture taken.
Thank you for always taking the "shortcut" to wherever we were going :)
Thank you for trips to Downata Springs and adventures at the park.
Thank you for Braves baseball and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Thank you for walks in the neighborhood and drives "around" town.
Thank you for the stories and family history.
Thank you for your legacy of fortitude and faith.
Thank you for the love.

(Grandpa and The Boy when he was 6 weeks old)

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