Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs: {RUFFLY} Edition

Just a little late today - sorry!
I'm still trying to recover from my
12 hour drive with two crazies.

We started off terribly,
(I drove the wrong way for 15 minutes &
Isabella insisted she wanted out of her car seat)

but ended on a high note with lunch at Bajio,
treats from Sweet Tooth Fairy,
and a family sing along during the last hour
to road trip favorites.
(ie Bono, Karen Carpenter, Diamond Rio - eclectic right?)

Here are my ruffly faves from this week-

{Summer Tote Tutorial @ Creation Corner}

I am super excited about:
the Queen Bee Market
{Handmade Market}
Friday, May 6th & Saturday May 7th
Del Mar Hilton
15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd Del Mar, CA

the Queen Bee Market
Did you see the announcement this week about the new creative conference Snap!??
It's a 3 day conference put on by the DREAM TEAM of creativity
April 19-21, 2012 in Salt Lake City, UT

Friday, April 29, 2011

Funky Friday Feature: Giggles, Glitz & Glam

Hi everyone at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe! My name is Jana and I blog over at Giggles, Glitz & Glam as well as Thirty-One:10! I am so excited to share with you a really simple tutorial for a distressed monogram letter for your own home or to gift to someone else!

What You'll Need:

A wood cut out of the letter you want to make (I got mine for under $2 at Hobby Lobby)
A can of spray paint (mine was the cheapest one I think)
Sand paper (I used 120-grit)

I do my spray painting in the garage on an old box that I've flattened out. I always try to at least crack the garage for some fresh air.

Spray paint on a nice thick coat, I used black for this one. Be sure you get all the edges & wedges. Then you will have to let it dry for an hour or so before you flip it over.

Flip it over and spray paint the other side. Then let it dry for a couple hours to make sure everything is set in.

To finish it off, take your sand paper and rub off the edges of the letter to give it a rough distressed finished. (As seen below)

Cheap, yet cute way to decorate a monogrammed letter for your home or to use as a gift for a wedding or even a baby gift!

Did I mention I love spray paint?? I do & craft with it often so be sure to stop by my blog, Giggles, Glitz & Glam, to check it out!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Have You Bookmarked from Blogland? Linky Party

I'm so glad you took the challenge to make something
you've bookmarked from Blogland.

We all do it.
Find awesome stuff around Blogland and bookmark them.
I currently have hundreds of ideas bookmarked.
I've actually made a handful of them.

This week it felt good to actually make one of them,
instead of just adding it to my bookmarks lists - never to be seen again.

My inspiration bookmark were the Resurrection Rolls
posted by Feathers From My Nest.
(I can't seem to find a way to link directly to her post.)

Here are mine!

They were so fun and the kids (and adults) loved them.

Lesson I learned - make enough for each person to have at least three.
True story.

Ok, let's see what you made over last two weeks!
  • Must be made by you and you must link to the inspiration for your project in your post.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I Got Wednesday!

I'm taking a week or so off from Want it? Win it! Wednesday,
but I wanted to share this darling Easter surprise
that I got in the mail this week.

Craft Goodies

I joined in on the Rabbit Romp Easter Basket Exchange
that Wendy hosted over at Craft Goodies.

I lucked out and got Wendy as my exchange partner!
I was so excited to see what she would make me!

The only rules were that it had to have a basket and a rabbit.
I'm so bummed that I forgot to snap a picture of the basket I sent to Wendy,
but maybe she got one and if she posts I'll share it here.
I found a super cute little metal Easter basket
and of course - I included a bunny hair clip as my rabbit requirement :)

I was so super excited to open up the box and see THIS!

How cute is it????
Wendy is so super talented and such attention to detail.
Look at this little poofy tail!

She included darling bunny candy bars . . .

and jelly bean carrots . . . so darling.

My mom is trying to keep this for herself.

No way!

Thanks, Wendy!
It is awesome.
I'll be your gift exchange partner any day!

Don't forget to come back tomorrow
for our special edition link up party!
To play along you need to write a post about
what you've made that you bookmarked from blogland
and in your post link us up to your inspiration.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay! #28

Did you hear the Queen Bee Market is coming up??
It's May 6th (4-9pm) and 7th (9-4pm).
I am so there.
Since I missed out on Creative Estates due to the funeral,
and I decided to miss BYU Women's Conference
this week because I am ready TO BE HOME!
I have resolved to be at QBM no matter what!
I'm hoping to load up a van of OC peeps and drive
down to Del Mar and enjoy some retail therapy.

I'm excited to see:
Allora Handmade
Cinnamon Sticks
Flawed Perfection
Funky Vintage Lovely
Little Penelope Lane
No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane
Olive Blue
the Pleated Poppy
Whippy Cake

and so many more!!!!

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • No Etsy shops or giveaways please :)
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Friday.
On Saturday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

This post brought to you by:
Lu Bird Baby

Monday, April 25, 2011


I was so excited that some of the famous bloggers that I stalk love,
agreed to meet me for lunch while I was up in Utah.

Of course, it was a crazy Spring break day at Chick Fil A,
so the surroundings were wild,
but it was fun.

My cousin and my sister-in-law came for moral support.
I was so nervous - because I am crazy.

Cousin * Sister-in-law * Nikki (Salty Pineapple)

It was so fun to see some of the creative ladies I was hoping to meet at Creative Estates.
And super awesome Tauni - who is a co-founder of Creative Estates -
brought me a little gift from the conference.

Nikki {Salty Pineapple} * Becca {BCD} * Tauni {It's a Tradition} *
Char {Crap I've Made} * Lara {Less Cake More Frosting}

It was all done last minute - like within 24 hours -
so I was thrilled that these five awesome ladies could come.
Thanks ladies!!!
It was awesome to meet you all.
Here's to SLC in 2012!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs:{EGG & CUPCAKE} Edition

Hooray for Saturday!!!
I'm excited for Easter tomorrow and spending time with the family.
I definitely want to make some Resurrection Rolls with the Littles -
since the nieces and nephews will be here too.

Don't forget the Blogland Bookmark Challenge!
You have until April 28th to get it finished and meet back here to link up!

{Easter Egg Headband by Sweet and Simple}

No joke - I was thinking I should make this!
Now I don't have to figure out how!

{Fabric Easter Eggs by Sweet Bee Buzzings}

This post brought to you by:
Yuri's Design

Friday, April 22, 2011

Funky Friday Feature: Flutterbys and Frogs

Hi! I'm Cammie from Flutterbys & Frogs and I'm so excited to be featured this Friday!

My blog has a lot of goodies on it for you, plenty of craft ideas, sewing ideas and tips, recipes, and bible study!

Recently I've been on bed rest so my craft and cooking ability has been curbed in a lot of areas, but I can still whip out my knitting needles and whip up a treat or two. Here is my recent knitting adventure for a friend who is having a baby girl soon (please oh please I hope she doesn't peek!)

My first try at knitting a head band with a cute little bow wasn't so hard, this would be an easy project for ANY beginning knitter!

I used:
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Yarn Needle
Lion Brand Baby Wool in Peony

To make this I did it in two parts. The first part was the band itself. Remember this is for a newborn, if you wanted to make it bigger, I'm sure you can!

Cast on 60 stitches
Knit 10 Rows (AKA Garter Stitch)
Bind Off
Use the tail from your cast on, or leave a tail after you bind off to sew the two edges together.

For the Bow:
Cast on 20 Stitches
Knit 20 Stitches in Garter Stitch
Bind Off

I then used a long length of yarn, and once it was pulled in to my yarn needle I had it at equal lengths on each side of the eye. I ran the yarn through the headband and up and around my bow enough times to make sure it would stay secure.

For the Booties

Again, these are for a newborn, if you want to make them larger, make sure you adjust accordingly.

I used:
Size 8 Knitting Needles
Yarn Needle
Lion Brand Baby Wool in Peony

Leaving a long tail, I cast on about 24 stitches, then knit about 35 rows in garter stitch. The following row I would knit two stitches together and when I was done, the stitch count was 12. The next row I knit again. DO NOT BIND OFF! Leave a long tail again, cut the yarn and then use the yarn needle to run the yarn through the 12 knit stitches. Pull them together and it will close the toe area up. Use the remaining tail yarn to sew up the top of the booties until you are comfortable tying the yarn off. I left about a 2 inch gap at the top of the booty. Then use your other tail of yarn to sew up the back of the booty.

Simple? You bet! Like I said, this is such an easy project, if you want to learn how to knit and want to try your hand at a project, this would be it! :) The whole set took me only a couple of hours from beginning to end.

I hope you enjoyed it, and that you will come visit me over at Flutterbys & Frogs. We have our own bundle of joy on the way, so before too long I hope to start sewing and knitting some more goodies and will be happy to share along the way!

Love and Blessings