Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Want It? Win It! Wednesday: Eclectic Whatnot

I am so excited about today's giveaway!
Not long ago I treated myself to this BEAUTIFUL little number
from Ruthanne over at Eclectic Whatnot.
It's called Lemon Drop and I adore it.

I saw this little piece of GORGEOUSNESS
named Moonlight Serenade and my heart stopped.
And I reprimanded Ruthanne for tempting me
to cheat on my darling little Lemon Drop.

And then, Ruthanne went and had a Black Friday sale,
and, by no fault of of my own,
Moonlight Serenade and the soon to be sold out
Sea Breeze just popped into my cart.

Shame on them.

And I thought to myself,
this is madness.
I don't need to keep all this LOVELINESS to myself.
I should share it.
So, I resolved that I would share - with you, my RAD readers.

And then today,
Ruthanne had the audacity to put this PINKALICIOUS number
And because I tend toward the obsessive compulsive side of the road,
I snatched it up.
(I missed out on this SWEET little guy -
and I'm kicking myself.)

So, in honor of the Christmas spirit,

Can you stand it????
You can either choose Sea Breeze or Think Pink
to take home as your very own.
What's even more awesome is that you can't buy
either of these little lovelies anymore.
So they are rare collectibles.
Does that give you shivers like it does me???

Do you WANT IT?
Well, you can WIN IT!
If you want to win
then here is what you need to do!

(this MUST be completed for any other extra entries to count)

Follow Funky PolkaDot Giraffe through Google Friends Connect and leave a comment telling me how you found Funky PolkaDot Giraffe.

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!

Extra Entries:
(You MUST complete the mandatory entry before completing any extra entries.)

1 Extra Entry: Follow Ruthanne on Twitter (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: Follow Funky PolkaDot Giraffe on Twitter and Tweet: (leave 1 additional comment)

Holla! @funkyPDgiraffe is giving away a GORGEOUS @eclecticwhatnot camera strap! Come enter! #giveaway

1 Extra Entry: Follow Ruthanne's Blog and leave her some comment love!

This GIVEAWAY will end on Tuesday, December 21st at midnight PST.

1 lucky reader will be selected using and will have 48 hours to respond to the notification email or a new winner will be chosen.
Be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you.

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