Friday, December 3, 2010

12 Days of Giveaways @ Mommas Kinda Crafty: Day 3


I'm so excited for this month!
I love it.
Love it.
Love it.
Love it.

Not only were both of my kids born this month,
but I love giving.
It's so fun!
I love finding something RAD that I know something will cherish.
I love all the service that takes place.

It just makes me happy.

So, in the spirit of giving, for Mommas Kind Crafty 12 Days of Giveaways
I'm giving away

The FULL princess collection!!!

All 7 of the pictured princesses will be yours if you win!
Will be shipped to the winner after January 1st.

To enter:
Leave a comment telling me what you're excited to GIVE this holiday season.

That's it.
One comment.

Don't forget to check out Night Owl Crafting tomorrow for Day 4!

And if you love giveaways like I do
(one day I will win a Silhouette machine)
then you have to check out
Yesterday on Tuesday next week
for her giveaway week!

ETA: This giveaway ends 12/5/10 at MIDNIGHT PST
and the winner will be chosen via

Don't forget to enter my giveaway from Miss Belle's World while you're here!

Open to US and Canada residents only.

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