Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Shout Outs

It's Saturday!
I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping
and plan on doing some last minute handmade gifts this evening.
What are you up to??

I adore snowmen and collect them.
So, today's Saturday Shout Outs are all about the frosty friends.
I hope you enjoy checking out these darling projects.
And the best part - they all have tutorials!

Fun craft over at Serving Pink Lemonade

Fun Snowman Pop Ornaments at It's All in My Head

Cute Onesie (with a darling model) at MAD's Creations

Snowman Chocolate Bars at a Sprinkle of this . . . a Dash of that

DARLING earrings at obSEUSSed
(I need a pair!)

And I know this isn't snowman,
but it's too cute and there's a tutorial
on how to make your own Elf on the Shelf at Jane of All Crafts

I hope you'll grab a button if you were featured!

Don't forget to enter the Eclectic Whatnot giveaway!

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