Friday, December 17, 2010

2nd Annual Cookie Exchange - 2010

So, this was my second time hosting a cookie exchange
and it is so much fun.
I love seeing all the different cookies that everyone comes up with.
However, you know what's not fun???
Making 9 dozen sugar cookies from rolled dough
that have to be frosted :)

This was my kitchen after they were all done.
When I was done, I felt like throwing my hands up
Top Chef style :)

Here is the invitation I made for the party.
I've had strict rules as as to what counts as a "cookie"
for both last year and this year.
It causes some of the ladies distress, but I think it's fun.
Maybe I'll ease up next year . . .

I have a group of friends from my Wtown years that
still try to get together once a month and do something.
The group has grown as friends and family members of the originals
add in, so it's a fun, eclectic group.
I also invited a few non-Wtown friends
and I was so excited when Kara-Noel said she'd come.
She's so fun!

This was the spread!

My high maintenance sparkly snowflake sugar cookies.

Yummy molasses cookies

Cranberry White Chocolate Cookies (one of my faves!)

Jell-O Cookies
aka Rudolph Noses

JT sporting a rudolph nose :)
He was supposed to be in bed, but kept sneaking out.

This is RAD group of ladies that came this eyar.

We voted this year on:
1. The Prettiest Cookie
2. The Most Awesome Display
3. Fan Favorite

I actually won prettiest cookie and fan favorite,
but that's lame to win my own prizes.
I should've excluded myself,
but it's also nice to hear others liked my cookie.

So, the first runner up for prettiest cookie
were Kara-Noel's Caramel Thumbprints
(another one I adored!)
and she won an ABC Cookie Recipe Book made by me.

The first runner up for Fan Favorite was a
three way tie - and after picking a number 1-10
Cory's Mint Chip Cookies won, so she claimed the apron this year!
(Umm, one year I won't wait until the day of the exchange to make the apron
and my cookies and all three winners will get an apron!)

And the winner of the Most Awesome Display
was Marianne with the darling sleigh!
She won a candy can dip bowl.
I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture
of Marianne and Kara-Noel with their prizes.

We also vote for the most festively dressed.
Jaime won AGAIN with her Christmas tree outfit.
She even lights up!
And she won a pair of Love Stitched earrings.

A new addition this year along with the cookie exchange,
was a handmade gift exchange.
But we made it into a game and it was hilarious
to see everyone stealing all the awesome handmade gifts.

Here are my spoils!

I can't wait for next year!!!!!

Oh! And the winner of the CSN Stores giveaway is
You have 48 hours to respond to the email!!!

Coming up . . . my Christmas tree and Nativities . . .

And don't forget to enter the Eclectic Whatnot giveaway!

I forgot to attach my recipe cards!

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