Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Little Sumthin' for My Hanukkah Celebrating Friends & a Gift Idea

I realized today when I was looking at the printables
I posted, that I left out my RAD Hanukkah celebrating friends!

So I whipped up a few.
I hope you like them :)

Also, one of my favorite things to give to friends,
teachers, and neighbors this time of year is

I've done it almost every year for the past 9 years.
It's so fun!

I've done it several different ways.

As little individual packets,
(these were for preschool last year)as a big set for a family,

and as a set in a mug - but I can't find my picture :(

There are lots of different versions out there but my little poem says:
Heard that you've been good this year.
Always glad to hear it!
With chilly weather drawing near,
You'll need to warm your spirit.
So here's a little snowman soup,
Complete with stirring stick.
Just add hot water and sip it slow,
It's sure to do the trick!

And I include:
hot cocoa mix
candy canes
Hershey kisses

(I'll be linking up HERE!!!)

Fine Print:
Please feel free to use this printable for your personal use. Please be kind and give credit where credit is due. Any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

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