Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 Posts of 2010

I'm taking Linda's Challenge and posting my Top 10 Posts of 2010.
They are just posts I chose just because I liked them.
What are your Top 10 Posts???

#10 Baby Pretties
I just loved how this project turned out.

#9 I Made It: Damask Bag
I loved making this bag and it made a great handmade gift!

#8 MOvember
How could I not include this most RAD post ever.
Who broke down and bought a 'stache related product??

I seriously adore hosting a cookie exchange.
One of the best things I've done all year!

I don't get too "deep" on this blog very often,
but this was one of those times when I spilled my guts :)

This was one of my kids' most favorite things about Christmastime this year.

#4 Cinda-REE-ya!
I'm so glad that I posted about this labor of love,
because Isabella doesn't say it Cinda-REE-ya anymore:(
If I say it that way, she says, "It's Cinderella, Mom."
So big.

#3 Tutu & 'Stache Bash!
I truly love throwing parties.
And having such a fun theme for the kids' double party was so much fun to put together.

#2 Korker TutorialIt was my first (and almost my last) tutorial.
But it was fun to share something you.

#1 Candy Corn Bunting Tutorial
I love this bunting!
I wish I could leave it up all year long.
I should start now on the Peeps bunting so it will be ready for Easter!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Shutterfly Card = LOVE!

I wanted to show you how my awesome Shutterfly card turned out.
It seems like the "top 10" is the new thing,
but I've been doing it for almost 5 years now and I love it because
your friends get little snippets about your life without me having to try and be too clever :)
So, this card from Shutterfly was perfect!

Top Ten Moments Christmas Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay!

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • No Etsy shops please :)
  • Please post the button so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Friday.
On Saturday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Saturday Shout Outs: On Monday ;)

I finally finished the mooEEs for my kids.
But I'm lame and forgot to put them out on Christmas.
So they got an extra present yesterday.

Since Saturday was Christmas - there weren't any Shout Outs.
BUT there were such darling ideas, I decided to do them today :)

The Real Life Mom has a great FREE printable -
it's never too early to get ready for next year.

This bunny is adorable and LittleEme has a rockin' tutorial.

Killing Time hand glued all the BBs on this wreath!

These JOY letters by One Happy Family just make me smile!

Charm Bracelet Diva made super cute snow globe soaps with her kids.

This frosty little glass block snowman by Spare Time Sanity
needs to appear in my house ASAP :)

I love these handmade snow globes by faith-love-hope . . .
and her awesome idea for a neighbor/friend Christmas gift.

And I wish I would have stocked up on clear glass ornaments during
the after Christmas sales so I could make glittery beauties Greenbean's Craferole made.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Time Again . . .

For Silhouette giveaways!
I don't know how many of these I've entered over the last 8 months,
but I'm determined to win one! LOL

So, you can enter to win a giveaway at:
Brown Paper Packages

Honey We're Home

Life. Rearranged.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!
May your day be Merry & Bright.
I hope your day is wonderful.
We're enjoying the grandparents and the cousins and the awesomeness.
And I'm trying to achieve holiday bokeh . . . thanks, babe!

(Isn't my niece a sweet face???)


And Merry Christmas to THE WINNER of my Eclectic Whatnot giveaway!
Hope to hear from you within 48 hours!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mixed Up Snowman Snack

As promised - here is my take on Gourmet Mom's Mixed up Snowman Snacks!
Oh! Fun fact!
Gourmet Mom (aka Mandy) and I grew up together!
Her mom was my awesome youth leader for a couple years
and Mandy is a FAB singer. Fun, huh??
Now she's all famous and BFFs with Paula Deen!

So to make my version of the snowman snack you'll need:
marshmallows - snowballs
pretzels - arms
cinnamon candies - nose
(as my son informed me that Frosty has a red button nose)
Rolos - hat
mini chocolate chips - eyes & buttons
Twizzlers Pull & Peel - scarf
heart sprinkles - snowmen hearts :)

JT loved being able to help with the project.

Don't you love their wild bed head??

His preschool teacher insisted that I be in a picture.
So not my favorite thing, but it turned out cute.

I used the FREE printables that Kate Hadfield has on her blog.
I just used the blank ones and added my own text in Photoshop.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay!

My TOO Cute item this week is
a mixed up snowman snack from Gourmet Mom!
JT took it to preschool today and it was so awesome,
because he could help put it together.
We altered ours a little bit and I made my own
toppers, so I'll share that in a post ASAP.

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Friday.
On Saturday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

Don't forget to enter my Eclectic Whatnot Giveaway!!!
It ends in just a few hours!

Monday, December 20, 2010

O Tannenbaum: An Ode to My Christmas Tree

One of my favorite parts of Christmas
is getting a tree.
From the time I can remember,
my parents loaded us into a suburban borrowed from my dad's work,
we took the 2 hour drive to my Great Grandparents' house in Enterprise,
we cut down the tree,
got a milkshake in St. George,
and drove home.

When we moved to Iowa when I was 12 years old,
my dad still found a place to cut down a tree.
The tradition continues to this day.

My husband and I did 2 years of a "fake" tree,
because fire code in our apartment didn't allow for real trees.
But when we moved to California, I returned to my roots :)

Sadly, there aren't place in the OC to chop down your own tree,
but there are nice places that sell them already chop,
and every year since we moved here, we've sought them out.

There's a cute little lot in Wtown that we love,
but it's a bit of a drive now, so we chose Home Depot this year
and I loved it!

There are lots to choose from
and perfectly priced!And I loved that they came wrapped - so much easier to transport.

My tree is already a sentimental tree.
First are the gorgeous snowflakes.
The story is that my Great Grandma Nelson made them
and my mom begged her to make her some.
However, by then my Great Grandma already had A LOT of grandkids
and she wanted to be fair and she knew she couldn't make them for everyone.
so she told my mom no.
But my mom persisted.
And she got some.
They were also some of my favorite ornaments.
Well, a couple year ago, my mom gave each of her kids a set.
They are gorgeous and I love them.
I should start now making them for my own children to have their own set one day :)

Next are my German Paper Stars - or Froebel Stern.
My Grandpa Meyer is of full German heritage
and his mother made these gorgeous stars.
However, she passed away without passing on the tradition.
So my Aunt found a German woman that taught her.

And one year, my Mom & Dad gave us all a set.
I love them!

And I love with both the snowflakes & the stars,
my Mom included a picture and a story behind the tradition.

Some of my other favorite ornaments are
a handmade set made for me by Tasha's mom
one Christmas.

My Eddie Walker Snowman ornaments . . . they are hard to find now.And my love bugs :)
These were made by my dear friend "Bunn" from college.
We used to throw awesome parties together
and one year we did a white elephant gift exchange.
She ended up with a "build your own scorpion" bead set
that my husband and I bought at the $1 store.
So, she made them and tagged them and gave them to us.
I love them and everyone always ask, "Why do you have a scorpion on your tree?"

What's on your tree?
Why is it special to you?
What's the story behind it?
Share and link up!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Shout Outs

It's Saturday!
I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping
and plan on doing some last minute handmade gifts this evening.
What are you up to??

I adore snowmen and collect them.
So, today's Saturday Shout Outs are all about the frosty friends.
I hope you enjoy checking out these darling projects.
And the best part - they all have tutorials!

Fun craft over at Serving Pink Lemonade

Fun Snowman Pop Ornaments at It's All in My Head

Cute Onesie (with a darling model) at MAD's Creations

Snowman Chocolate Bars at a Sprinkle of this . . . a Dash of that

DARLING earrings at obSEUSSed
(I need a pair!)

And I know this isn't snowman,
but it's too cute and there's a tutorial
on how to make your own Elf on the Shelf at Jane of All Crafts

I hope you'll grab a button if you were featured!

Don't forget to enter the Eclectic Whatnot giveaway!