Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to Mommy School: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Welcome back to Welcome to Mommy School!!!

This week we had our kindergarten assessment appointment

and Isabella was so excited to see a "Chicka Chicka" tree

in JT's future kindergarten classroom since we had

just had fun with it at our house.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a classic

and I've yet to meet a kid that doesn't

get sucked in by it's fun rhythm and rhyme.

I love this book because it's an easy book for

early readers to mimic reading and to start recognizing

and recalling words.

We made our own trees

and JT was very insistent that ALL the letters make it on the tree.

So I make some letters he could color in and cut out.

(You can download the letters HERE)

We used a paper towel roll,

cardstock and pom poms to make the tree.

I cut slits in the top of the tree and we slipped the leaves into them

Then it was time for a snack!

Well, Alphabits are not being manufactured by Post anymore.

So we had to find a substitute and found these awesome

Scrabble Cheez-Its.

I think I like them better because you can read the letters :)

We also used these graham sticks

because my Albertson's didn't have the Honey Maid version.

leaves - apple slices

coconuts - Cocoa Puffs

trunk - graham sticks

letters - Scrabble Cheez-its

Other fun alphabet books:

Eating the Alphabet

Shiver Me Letters


Dr. Seuss's ABC

Miss Spider's ABC Book

The Butterfly Alphabet

A to Z by Sandra Boynton

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten

Bob and Larry's ABC's

A is for Angry: An Animal and Adjective Alphabet

Alphabet Under Construction

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