Thursday, September 15, 2011


True confessions time.
I fell off the wagon the past two weeks,
and I fell hard.
No joke.
And I honestly didn't blog about it last week
because I was ashamed.
I honestly didn't want to get on here
and tell you all that I had gone backwards.
So I resolved that I was going to
go gangbusters this next week and make up for it.
And then JT started school,
and I started watching the little girl I babysit,
and I became distracted and full of excuses.
And I stayed fallen off the wagon,
splayed out on the side of the road.

I have really enjoyed my Nutrisystem journey,
but these past two weeks I've felt like a failure.
And I'm not telling you this because I
want you to feel sorry for me,
but I just want to be honest.
I haven't wanted to eat veggies or fruits.
I make excuses not to exercise.
I've been choosing diet soda over water.
I know, blasphemy, right?

I am moving in the WRONG direction.
So as I type this post,
I am resolving to MOVE FORWARD.
I am going to stop beating myself up over
my flubs these past two weeks,
and I'm going to MOVE FORWARD.
I CAN DO it.
Tomorrow is a NEW day.
And I have the STRENGTH to SUCCEED!

So I am going to stop Pinning desserts and yummy things,
and start pinning motivational fitness posters,
and exercise ideas, and light and yummy veggie ideas.

Thanks for bearing with through my true confessions.
It make me feel better!
I feel lighter.
I feel happier.
I feel hopeful!
Thank you for reading :)

Week One: -6 lbs
Week Two: -3 lbs
Week Three: -.5
Week Four: -2
Week Five: -0
Week Six: -1
Week Seven: -1
Week Eight: -.5
Week Nine: -1
Week Ten: -1.5
Week Eleven: +3
Week Twelve: +2

TOTAL: 11.5

Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. The opinions above are my own.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling tel:1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

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