Friday, September 30, 2011

Craft Night: Par-tay at my house!

A couple of weeks ago I hosted a craft night at my house.
I merely hosted.
Kara Noel did all the work.
For reals.
At 38 weeks pregnant she planned & prepped all the crafts.
My friend Jaime and Natalie joined us, along with Nicole from Olive Blue.
It was my first time meeting Nicole and she is DAH-ling!

We started with spray painting some cute patootie pumpkins.
Then we were going to crackle paint them and make the awesome.

While the spray paint dried -
OH! by the way.
This was my first time spray painting a craft.

Ok, while the paint dried,
Kara Noel taught us to make some great Halloween embroidery
hoop wall hangings.

They were so fun and Nicole and Kara Noel got all
fancy with the embroidery thread.

And where there is crafting, there is food!

I made my friend's yummy spinach artichoke dip.
(recipe coming soon!)

And of course these EVIL things made their appearance.
I experimented with the strawberry milkshake Oreos,
but I didn't like them as much.

And I had to make homemade kettle corn for
my pregnant craft genius :)

Nicole brought a yummy dessert that everyone gobbled up.

I tried making cranberry spritzers,
they were ok, not fabulous.
So any tips - I'd love!

We crafted late into the night,
and I sent the girls home a little lovely :)

I sent Kara Noel home with some extras
to match their coming home outfits . . .

My crackle pumpkin was a craft FAIL!!!!

The crackle paint hated me and my pumpkin.
I'm glad 99 cent store had a replacement :)

My embroidery hoops are still unfinished,
but I think they are cute and I can't decide whether or not
to do anything else to them.

What do you think?

Should I add something?

Or leave them as they are?

Kara Noel also brought us some RAD wooden earrings from the 99 cent store.
I am obsessed with wooden earrings,
especially ones that cost 99 cents and not $15!

Craft nights with friends rule.
I can't wait to have another one soon!

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