Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tutorial Thursday: Back to School Survival Kit

JT and I put together a little Back to School Survival Kit
for his teacher.
He was so excited to give it to her.
He said it was her prize for being such a great teacher.
I saw the idea on Pinterest and had done a
similar thing for my students on the first day of school.

I collected most of the items at the Dollar Spot at Target -
even the rad bucket!

My favorite item was the mock-frap that I made
from a new Starbucks cup and tulle.
I hid a gift card inside - the perfect thing to help
a teacher get back to the DAILY GRIND :)

Inside we tucked a little note with the list of items and what they were for.
I printed it out on a fancy piece of paper I had left over from
my paper-scrapping days.

JT's teacher sent me a nice email telling me how much
she enjoyed it and my teaching friends
wanted me to bring them one too :)

If you'd like to make your own BTS Survival Kit,
you can download the file for the 4x6 "faceplate"
and a PDF of the list of items HERE.

Linking up HERE!

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