Friday, September 30, 2011

Craft Night: Par-tay at my house!

A couple of weeks ago I hosted a craft night at my house.
I merely hosted.
Kara Noel did all the work.
For reals.
At 38 weeks pregnant she planned & prepped all the crafts.
My friend Jaime and Natalie joined us, along with Nicole from Olive Blue.
It was my first time meeting Nicole and she is DAH-ling!

We started with spray painting some cute patootie pumpkins.
Then we were going to crackle paint them and make the awesome.

While the spray paint dried -
OH! by the way.
This was my first time spray painting a craft.

Ok, while the paint dried,
Kara Noel taught us to make some great Halloween embroidery
hoop wall hangings.

They were so fun and Nicole and Kara Noel got all
fancy with the embroidery thread.

And where there is crafting, there is food!

I made my friend's yummy spinach artichoke dip.
(recipe coming soon!)

And of course these EVIL things made their appearance.
I experimented with the strawberry milkshake Oreos,
but I didn't like them as much.

And I had to make homemade kettle corn for
my pregnant craft genius :)

Nicole brought a yummy dessert that everyone gobbled up.

I tried making cranberry spritzers,
they were ok, not fabulous.
So any tips - I'd love!

We crafted late into the night,
and I sent the girls home a little lovely :)

I sent Kara Noel home with some extras
to match their coming home outfits . . .

My crackle pumpkin was a craft FAIL!!!!

The crackle paint hated me and my pumpkin.
I'm glad 99 cent store had a replacement :)

My embroidery hoops are still unfinished,
but I think they are cute and I can't decide whether or not
to do anything else to them.

What do you think?

Should I add something?

Or leave them as they are?

Kara Noel also brought us some RAD wooden earrings from the 99 cent store.
I am obsessed with wooden earrings,
especially ones that cost 99 cents and not $15!

Craft nights with friends rule.
I can't wait to have another one soon!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

October Sponsor Opportunity

Hello again :)
Nice to see you here at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe.
Do you have a handmade shop, rad product, or blog?
Are you looking for some place awesome to advertise?
Well, you're in luck!!!
FPG is open today for October sponsors!

And for the first three NEW sponsors I'm offering
Buy 2 months, get the 3rd month 1/2 off!
That means you'd get:
3 months of rotating sidebar ad space
3 sponsor spotlight posts
and at least 6 "this post brought to you by" in-post ad spaces
for only $25!!!

Email me at funkypolkadotgiraffe {at} gmail {dot} com
I can't wait to hear from you.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Nutrisystem: WEEK THIRTEEN

I thought you might enjoy that photo :)
I got my hair did today and it made me feel like a new woman.
I love when Alyson comes to town and if you are lucky
enough to live in SLC are you need to check her out!

Here's the finished product :)

I am back on track with my Nutrisystem journey,
and feeling fine!
JT and I have been keeping our date with the pool
in the mornings,
and I'm going to start going to Yoga once a week
this week.
I'm nervous, but excited for something new!

I am back on fruits and veggies,
and off of grazing all day.
It feels so nice.
I notice that on the days I exercise,
I want to eat healthier,
and on the days that I miss exercising,
I am much more prone to eating "whatever".

Week One: -6 lbs
Week Two: -3 lbs
Week Three: -.5
Week Four: -2
Week Five: -0
Week Six: -1
Week Seven: -1
Week Eight: -.5
Week Nine: -1
Week Ten: -1.5
Week Eleven: +3
Week Twelve: +2
Week Thirteen: -2

TOTAL: 13.5

Were you successful this week?
Share happy stories with me :)

Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. The opinions above are my own.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling tel:1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay! #50

Today is the 50th TOO Cute Tuesday!!!
I appreciate all of you helping to make this party
bigger and better every week.

I made this labor of love for my son's soccer team.
The boys were so excited.
I even made the stand.
Well, me and the guy at Lowe's :)

Now onto TOO Cute Tuesday!

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • No Etsy shops or giveaways please :)
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Saturday.
On Saturday or Monday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

This post brought to you by:
Grab My Button

I changed the linky party so that the most recently uploaded project will show up as number one. This way everyone gets a chance on top. So, look in the first spot for your project, not at the end. Thanks!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs: {Get Your FALL On} Edition

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE
September thru December.
I love the summer - for lots of reasons -
but there is just something about the last four months of the year.


So I love that fall projects are popping up in TOO Cute Tuesday!

{Making Multi Color Vinyl Signs @ Burton Avenue}
So cool!!! I want to try this.

{Candy Corn Decor @ The Mommy Diaries}
I love candy corn anything!

{Felt Bat Container @ Vixen Made}
The kiddos would love this.

{along came a spider lamp shade @ Happy Looks Good on You}
This is amazing. I need one!

{felt acorns @ The Gunny Sack}
These are so darling!

{Tie Necklace Tutorial @ The Trendy Treehouse}
So clever and so stylish!

{Candy Corn Waffles @ Random Thoughts of a Supermom}
If only my waffle maker was round!

{Halloween Test Tubes @ The Autocrat}
This is a super cute party favor.

{DIY Dress @ Southern Lovely}
I love the colors of this cute dress.

{Autumn Berry Wreath @ Little Rays of Sunshine}
Love the colors and wish a wreath would work on my front door.

{Fabric Pumpkin Tutorial @ Creation Corner}
I definitely want to make these this year!

{Shoe Clips @ Carry On}
I've wanted to make these for a long time! Love the how-to.

If you were featured,
please feel free to grab a button if you'd like!
It's new!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Printable: Fall Bucket List

We had so much fun with our Summer Bucket List,
that I decided to make a Fall Bucket List.

The thing I like about Bucket Lists is that
they are a visual reminder of things I want to get done.
So often life gets so crazy and time passes by
and I think - Man! I wanted to do such and such.
This way I have a cute checklist of awesome stuff to do.

While perusing Pinterest,
I saw a fancy Fall Bucket List and I decided
to make a fancy one this time too!

This is what I created:

I put it in a picture frame and put it on my bookshelf.

I might take it out of the frame and mount
it on a piece of cardstock for sturdiness & awesomeness,
so that we can write straight on it.

However, if I leave it in the frame,
then I can use a dry erase marker to write on the glass.

I made one for you too!!!
There is a version with text and a BLANK version,
in case you have no interest in leaf piles or zoos :)

As always - please adhere to the rules:
- Funky PolkaDot Giraffe printables are for PERSONAL use only.
-Please do not remove the watermark.
- Please link back to this site if you post anywhere on the internet.