Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Safari: Summer Recipes

I am so excited to be teaming up with
Heidi @ The Craft Monkey
Lauren @ The Elephant's Trunk
to host the Summer Safari Linky Par-tay!
Fun, huh?

I hope you joined Lauren for the Front Porch Party on Monday,
and Heidi for the Pennant Party on Wednesday.
If not, be sure you hop on over and link up!

Today is my day and I'm sharing with you a fun summer recipe!!!
Well, mine is more of a summer food, but I want you to link up
your awesome summer recipes at the end of this post.
I need some great summer salads, desserts, and apps!

Mmmm . . . . Woof 'Ems!!!!
These are a fun treat that the Armstrong clan likes to share around the
beach fire pit during summer nights.
My sister-in-law learned about them first and then
came home and said we had to try them.
I adore them.
Even better than a S'more.
True story.

You'll need:

* Refrigerator biscuits

I like to use already made pudding because it travels well,
doesn't need refrigeration, and is quick and easy.

*Whipped Cream
Due to a traumatic experience in my childhood,
I am not a fan of whipping cream and don't keep it in the house :)

*Roasting Sticks

*Woof 'Em Pegs
I've seen them made on the end of a wooden broom stick handle,
but my father-in-law made these fancy pegs by cutting
up a wooden closet rod, round the corners with belt sander,
and drilling to little holes for the roasting sticks to slip into.

Fancy, huh?

Take one refrigerator biscuit and flatten it out and shape
it around your woof 'em peg.
You don't want it too thick in any one spot so that you can
get it to cook all the way through and you don't end up with
a doughy, yucky woof 'em cup.

Cook your woof 'em cup over an open flame.
Hey, I didn't have a fire pit readily available this week :)
That's why gas stoves rock.

It will puff up all nice and yummy.

Slide your woof 'em cup off the peg.

Spoon your pudding of choice into the the woof 'em cup.
If you did mix your own pudding - it's wise to do it in ziploc bag.
Then you can snip of the end and squirt it right into your cup.

Now doesn't that look yummers???
If you're a food masochist you can add some whipped cream to the top. LOL

Now I bet you're wondering where the name Woof 'Em comes from.
Well, you make them and then you woof 'em down!

So much better than a S'more because you get
the sweet (pudding) with the savory (biscuit),
so the sweetness isn't overwhelming like the
marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker combo of a S'more.

Speaking of S'mores, have you seen these??

My sister sent me a picture this week and I had to find some!
And the kids will do about anything for a flat marshmallow.

Also, another favorite summer recipe is Rainbow Jell-O!
I plan to make a red, white and blue version for the Fourth!

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Yuri's Design

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