Saturday, June 11, 2011

1000 Celebration: Funky Vintage Lovely Giveaway

April is another one of the fab ladies
that I got to meet in real life at the Queen Bee Market.
You seriously need to consider going to the August show
if you're within like 100 miles of San Diego.

April has a fabulous shop called Funky Vintage Lovely
I lovey love it and April!
I found her through Twitter randomly one day
and I've been hooked on her open and caring personality ever since.
She has fabulous style and I love seeing what she creates
and wish I possessed even a teensy bit of her eye for color and print.
It was so awesome to meet her in real life
because she was just what I imagined she'd be - kind, open and darling!


Funky Vintage Lovely is giving away
a fabulous Keep Calm and Carry On ring!

I have one and I love it!

(this MUST be completed for any other extra entries to count)

Visit the funky little shop Funky Vintage Lovely and
tell me what two things you need to be wearing
like yesterday!

Extra Entries:
(You MUST complete the mandatory entry before completing any extra entries.)

1 Extra Entry: {FOLLOW} the Funky Vintage Lovely blog (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {LIKE} Funky Vintage Lovely on Facebook (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} about THIS giveaway on Facebook with a link back here - be sure to mention @Funky PolkaDot Giraffe in your post (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {POST} my regular button on your blog (leave 1 additional comment)
1 Extra Entry: {TWEET} about the giveaway with a link back here and be sure to mention @funkyPDgiraffe in your tweet (leave 1 additional comment)

As always, giveaways are only open to
FPG Google Friends Connect public followers.
This GIVEAWAY will end on Saturday, June 18th at midnight PST.

1 lucky reader will be selected using and will have 72 hours to claim the prize or a new winner will be chosen.
The winner's name will be posted in a blog post announcement.
You must respond either in a comment or via email.

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