Monday, June 27, 2011

What's in Your Mailbox? Monday {JUNE & JULY}

Oh my goodness!
I can't believe that I totally missed out on
Mailbox Monday for June!
Where did the time go?
We were having so much fun during the par-tay,
that I just never got it posted.

In May we had EIGHT fabulous friends link up!
I had to remove six links because they weren't things
SENT/RECEIVED via snail mail.

I'd like to give shout outs to all our link ups!
Dukes & Duchesses
Sugar Bee Crafts
From the Heart
Willow Bean Studio
The Kerri Way
Sitting at Our Kitchen Table
Bolo Heads
PolkaDot Whimsy

Thank you all for sharing the happy mail you sent and received this month.
I definitely need to get in on the next fabric swap over at Bolo Heads
because this rainbow swap is my kinda swap!

I've had such fun with mail over the past month or so.

We got a little funky up in here with double ruffled hot mess
headbands from little bit funky.

And I was blessed to win a $25 GC to Amy Cornwell's shop
so I picked this fabulous bracelet.
It's stamped on both sides.
One side says:

And the other side says:

Then, the sweet Lisa Leonard gifted me
this custom button button bracelet.
It's so fabulous.

I love wearing both of them together.

I love getting REAL mail.
So it's time to share what you got in your
snail mail
real life mailbox.

So, what's in your mailbox this past MONTH that you thought was extra cool or special?

Rules -
It has to be something you SENT OR RECEIVED in your mailbox.
That's it!
Link us up!
Please link us to the actual post - not to your main blog.
And if you link up something that isn't snail mail, I will delete the link.
Don't make me the bad guy :(

Each Mailbox Monday will be open the 1st Monday through the Last Friday of the month.

Here's a button to grab if you link up!
Pretty please post the button if you play along :)

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