Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nutrisystem: WEEK TWO

Sorry for the semi-creepy photo!
I forgot to snap one with my regular camera
and so I used Snapbucket and added a photo effect.
It came out a little spooky :)

I just hit week two with Nutrisystem and I can say that
week one was definitely a honeymoon and last week was real life.
The food with Nutrisystem last week was AWESOME!
I don't think I had one thing that I didn't like.

However, I had three social engagements and that made it SUPER hard
for me to be part of the social scene and still maintain my program.
The first event I did it - no problem.
I was riding high and feeling great.
The second event was a little bit harder and by the third
my will power and mindset were spent.
I was coming off the overnight retreat, with little to no sleep,
and I just couldn't be strong.
I didn't go crazy, but I definitely ate things that I now regret.

But that's real life.
There are going to be challenges.
And even if I fall down, I have to pick myself up,
and keep going.
You can bet that after Sunday's slip-ups,
I was 150% dedicated Monday and Tuesday
to get myself back in the groove.

Nutrisystem has some tips for surviving the summer/BBQ season.
I found them to be helpful and wanted to share them with you.
  1. Bring your “BBQ-esque” Nutrisystem meal of choice - Nutrisystem’s Hamburgers, Chicken and Hot Dogs are great on the grill! That way you still feel part of the BBQ eating festivities while staying on program.
  2. Wheat rolls and buns - this way you give everyone a healthier option.
  3. Following the guidelines of your grocery guide – create a garden salad with all your favorite vegetables with various dressings on the side. That way everyone can choose what dressing is best for them, but the salad also allows you to get in your add-in additions while on program. To make a complete meal, top with some grilled chicken.
  4. Grill some vegetables on the BBQ. A fun way to do this and to have the kids get involved, make vegetable shish kabobs! Then all that is left to do is toss them on to the BBQ and makes a great side dish (or condiment too!).
  5. Try to steer away from items drenched with BBQ sauce as this will only add in extra calories and typically is high in sugar and sodium.
  6. Make sure to have iced water on hand. Toss in some slices of citrus fruits (i.e. oranges, lime and lemons) or even cucumbers too. This makes it different and is quite refreshing!
  7. For dessert you can have your Nutrisystem Dessert with the group, but also have a healthy option such as fruit salad or fruit kabobs for you and your guests. The kids can even help out with making them.
Some of my favorites this week!

So the stats are:
Week One -6 lbs
Week Two -3 lbs

Woohoo! I'm totally stoked about my progress.

Things I need help with:
  1. Your favorite fat free dressing. I'm particularly interested in a fab honey mustard. I love the Chickfila FF Honey Mustard, but I don't think you can buy it by the bottle :(
  2. Your favorite veggies that I can try. I love asparagus and broccoli, but if I keep eating them everyday I am going to BURN OUT!

Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me free of charge in exchange for blogging about my experience as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. The opinions above are my own.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling tel:1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

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