Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs: {SMILE} Edition

I'm so glad it's Saturday.
I've had a rough week and so I needed something happy.
So this week's Shout Outs are things that made me {SMILE}.

This sweet little apron by Daydream Believers made {SMILE}.

So did this really cool printable by Sprik Space.
These lovelies by Creation Corner definitely brightened my day -
they're so happy!

I'm a sucker for hot pink ruffles, so Craft Couture made my day.

Who couldn't love this itty, bitty happy house by It's a Crafty Life?

I have this same space in my kitchen,
and it is crying out for this beautiful sign
by My Crazy Decorating Addiction.
Do you think I can convince Johnny in a Dress to send
me this adorable play kitchen??

Dear Yesterday on Tuesday,
this yummy treat definitely brought a {SMILE} to my face :)
Don't forget to enter the along for the ride giveaway!
Also! I forgot to mention that Laura is so awesome
and she has offered FPG readers the coupon code
for 10% off your purchase in her shop.

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