Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lucky Printable: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

This week's winner of the Froggy Girl Designs $25 GC
is #21 Tiffany of Killing Time!
You have 72 hours to contact me!!!!

When I saw this cute project
my "cousin" Cory made for Valentine's Day
over at Sometimes I Craft Myself,
I knew I wanted to make something with buttons.I didn't get around to making anything for Valentine's day
and so then I had this great idea to make a button rainbow for
St. Pat's day.

But I didn't realize how many buttons it would take,
and I didn't have enough.
And because I'm impatient
and didn't want to wait for more buttons,
I had the grand idea to digitally scrapbook one!

So I did!
And then I printed it at Costco,
put it in my seasonal frame,
added a ribbon shamrock,and now I have a fun St. Pat's decoration!
And because I love you all so much,
I'm sharing the printable with you!
You can download it HERE.
Inside that file you'll find a zipped file
with a 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 size.

If you make one, I'd love to see it!
Happy St. Pat's!

Fine Print:
Please feel free to use this tutorial for your personal use. Please be kind and give credit where credit is due. Any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

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