Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-tay!

Holla for TOO Cute Tuesday!
Thank you for linking up last week,
even though there were some technical difficulties.

We had some CA-UTE! projects last week.
Some of my faves were:

This ruffled cardigan by Rachel at Holy Craft.
I'm a sucker for cardis and ruffles,
and so onto my to-do list it goes!

Love these uber darling pin cushions.
Joy at Mommas kindacrafty shares the tutorial for them too.

One last Halloween hurrah - these SCARY cute pretzel guys.
We will definitely have to try these next year.
Check out CuteAsAFox.com to see how she made them.

Melissa at MAD's Creations made this RAD upcycled
purse from suit coat.
Awesome, huh?
Check her out!
If you were featured this week (or last week)
please grab a button!

This week I've been up to making these Christmas hair clips.
I'm really happy with how they turned out.
I love me some Christmas!!!!

What have you been making this week???
Link us up and show it off.

What did yo make this week that is TOO Cute??

Come link up!
  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!

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