Monday, November 29, 2010

My First CYBER Monday Promotion!

15% off your entire purchase automatically at checkout
when you use the shop coupon code


(Make sure to copy the code and paste it into the new coupon code field on your Etsy checkout screen.)

Plus FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $25,
just mention CYBER MONDAY in the notes to seller
and I'll refund your shipping within 24 hours.

CYBER Monday ends 11:59PM PST November 29th


I am closing the shop at Midnight on November 30th.
December is a busy month for our family
and I want to enjoy my kids' birthdays, Christmas traditions,
and just taking a breath.
So the shop will be closed the entire month of December
and will reopen January 1st, better than evah!
So if there is something you're dying over,
grab it!

However, I'll still be blogging and crafting right here,
so don't go anywhere :)

(and I might take custom orders if you email me,
cuz I'm crazy like that)

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