Tuesday, November 9, 2010

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-tay! and RAD Ladies

So, as I mentioned yesterday,
this weekend was totally awesomespice
because I got to meet three fantastic ladies.

Have you heard of Julie from Joy's Hope?
She makes me laugh.
She makes me cry.
She obsesses, makes toffee crack and loves Chick*fil*A.
So if you haven't, get comfortable, and read
her blog from beginning to end.
You'll thank me.

I harassed politely asked Julie on Twitter and on her blog
to PLEASE make some Holla signs.

Imagine my extreme joy when I got this tweet on Friday night:

Julie Carson JoysHope @mormishmom I am making a holla sign just for you! See you tomorrow.

So now my pretty little Holla sign
greets me at the top of the stairs.
Happy day!
I also needed this rad chalk board countdown board.

And a happy little thankful sign.Thank you, Julie!
You too can meet Julie at Queen Bee Market this weekend!

I was pleasantly ecstatic surprised to see that Kara-Noel of Eli's Lids and She's Crafty.
I felt like a giddy school girl when I tapped her on the should
and said, "Are you Kara-Noel?"
Luckily, she didn't think I was too much of stalker and chatted with me
for a little while about such topics as how we love NieNie,
how to avoid double chins in photos,
and how we adore blogging.

She is such an awesome lady and she gifted JT with a Lid of his own!
Yeah, she's cool like that.(I had the windows open, he sad he was cold, and dressed himself.)

And finally, I got to meet Kristin of Lu Bird Baby.
I forgot to take a picture with her!
But I did get her info and hopefully we'll get together soon.

And now onto
TOO Cute Tuesday!

There were such CUTE costumes linked up, that I had to share them!

thing 1 and thing 2 over at Pirates & Pigtails!
Mario & Luigi at Cute As a Fox
Barbie Muskateers at One Happy Family

And these turkey place card holders by Houseful of Handmade are AWESOME!
Love these stuffed pumpkins over at Creation Corner.Grab a button if you were featured!

This week I made this pretty little felt flower Fall centerpiece.

(I'll be linking up HERE! And because she makes me mention her all by herself - TCB)

I love it!
Do you?
Want to know how I made it?

What did yo make this week that is TOO Cute??

Come link up!
  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • Please post the button so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Friday.
On Saturday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

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