Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thankfulness and Turkeys (of the googly eyed variety)

I had a
"Hope you know, I had a hard time"
kinda day yesterday.

At the end of a very long day,
we still had one more obligation to meet.
I yelled at the kids to get in the car,
(there is no other way to say it)
get downstairs and my almost 2 year old announces,
"I poopy, Mom"


So I rifle through the stow-and-go
and find a diaper and wipes
(at least one thing went right)
so that I don't have to haul us both back upstairs.

I begrudgingly change her diaper,
pull her shorts back on,
put her in her car seat, try to grab her seat belt,
where I find that she has buckled her buckles.
I loathe that.
Loathe it.
Just one more step to do while juggling an arm full of something.

I say, "Isabella! Please don't buckle your seatbelt unless you're in your seat."
I want to scream.
But I refrain.
(hey, one thing I did right today)

She looks at me and says,
"Sworry, mom."
And my heart melts.
And I breathe.
And I give her a kiss and tell her I love her so much.

So, on this first Thursday of Thanksgiving month,
I'm thankful for an almost 2 year old
(going on 15)
"sworry, mom"
and an almost 5 year old
telling me,
"don't worry mom, everyone loves the food you cook."

I needed those.
I need these kids.
To the moon and back.
Forever and ever.
To infinity and beyond.


And because this post is far too HEAVY,
how about some googly eyed turkeys to lighten the mood!

Linking up HERE.

Did you enter my RAD Movember giveaway???

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