Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Vision of Red Riding Hood

Here she is.
My Little Red.

I'm really thrilled with how it turned out.
If I had it to do over again,
I would make the top longer.
I made it while she was sleeping and forgot
she has a SUPER LONG torso.

I'm super happy with the gingham choice.
I fretted over which fabric to use.
I purchased like 4 different options,
brought them home,
laid them out,
and stared at them for like 30 minutes trying to decide.
You can just imagine me in Joann.

I'm super in {LOVE} with the corset.
It's just so sweet and and classic.
when I held it up to show my husband,
without the undershirt,
and he was like, um, she's wearing THAT?
It was pretty funny.

She tested it out at our co-op music class today.
She finds the tutu itchy, so we'll
add a pair of white leggings or tights to make it more

Hooray for Halloween!

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