Friday, October 21, 2011

Flashback Friday: Candy Corn Bunting

Here's a little flashback to one
of my favorite Halloween tutorials -
The Candy Corn Bunting!

It's not too late to make one!


If you know me well,
you know I love candy corn and Peeps.
Not so much the eating of them,
but all the CUTE things that are made in their image.
Including - dressing my child up like one of them.
(see HERE and HERE)

So, candy corn lovers unite and let's do this thing!
Felt (orange, white, yellow)
Regular thread
Sewing Machine
Rotary Cutter/mat/ruler
Grosgrain ribbon

1. On your mat & with your rotary cutter, cut strips of felt in the following widths -
white 2.25 inches
yellow 2.5 inches
orange 3.25 inches

I used felt remnants left over from THIS costume,
so all my strips were varying lengths.

2. Match up your lengths of felt and lay them in candy corn
colored coded order.
Then sew them together with 1/4" seam.
Make sure your seams both end up on the same side.

When you're done, you'll have a pile like unto this!

3. Press your seams open.
Ugghh, I know.
I tried to avoid it.
The product was not desirable.

4. Using the candy corn template - cut out your candy corn shapes
from your candy corn colored strips.

Now, I debated about how to sew this and put it together.
First I sewed 2 candy corns together, flipped it, and top stitched.
Too tedious.
Then I sewed 2 candy corns together and left the edges raw -
too funky.
I finally settled on sewing a color blocked candy corn to a plan white one.

5. Cut white candy corn shapes for your backs.

6. Now this should probably be step "1", but
decide how long you want your bunting to be.
I wanted mine to fit on the front of my bar,
and with the help of my son holding the other end of the tape measure,
I decided I wanted it to be 72 inches long.
7. So I laid out my candy corn to find out how many I'd need.
For my 72 inch bunting, I needed 11.

8. Cut your ribbon and pin the plain BACKS of your candy corns
to the ribbon. I started pinning 6 inches in from the ends.
I cut my ribbon 72 inches - next time I'll cut it about 2 feet longer
than I need, because I want longer dangly ends.
I wanted the candy corn to alternate directions,
but you can put them all the same direction if you want to.

9. Sew the candy corn backs to the ribbon.
I picked up my foot after each back,
but I didn't cut my thread and then I moved to the next back.

10. Lay the candy corn fronts on the backs, and sew all around
with a 1/4" seam.

11. Keep going until all your candy corn fronts are sewn to their backs!

And 6 hours later . . .
(thanks to kidlet interruptions)


I wish I could selective color my life like in Photoshop :)

Here is my candy corn pattern.
I tried to do it on a white background, but it wouldn't show up -
because it's white.
Feel free to use it if you want to.
(The F stands for front, so I'd cut them the same way.)

Fine Print:
Please feel free to use this tutorial for your personal use. Please be kind and give credit where credit is due. Any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me.

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