Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What I {LOVE} Wednesday: Saturday Shout Out Edition II


I'm thinking I want Saturdays off from blogging - most weeks :)
So, I think I'll do the week's shout outs on Mondays,
except for this week because it was Mailbox Monday
and I didn't have it in me to do two posts.
However, even I post it on Monday,
it will always be Saturday Shout Outs,
cuz that's how I roll.
So here are some of the things I {LOVED} from last week's TOO Cute Tuesday.

{Monster Play Date @ Sweet Peas & Bumblebees}

{Rocky Candy @ Mom's Crafty Space}

{Ice Cream Social Skirt @ iCandy Handmade}

{Modern Rosie Riveter @ the letter 4}

{Frozen S'mores @ the letter 4}

{Birthday Banner @ AliLilly}

{Balloon Flip Flops @ Running with Glitter}

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