Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome to Mommy School: Diary of a Worm

I'm so excited to bring you a new series called

Welcome to Mommy School!

Let's get real here, people.

Before I was a mommy and a blogger, I was a teacher.

And I loved it.

And I think I was pretty good at it.

For about a year I've been thinking -

"I *REALLY* should do some awesome stuff with my kids.

Just like I used to do with other people's kids when I was a 2nd grade teacher."

About a month ago, I stopped thinking and started doing.

Me and my teacher peeps circa May 2003

So each week I'll share something fun I did with my kids

that maybe you'd like to try at home too.

It won't be anything FANCY SHMANCY - just something rad

and educational.

Most of the time it will be based off of one of my favorite picture books.

So let's get started.

Diary of a Worm.

The kids loved it and found it as hilarious as I remembered.

Of course, after we read the book, we had to write in our journals.

I totally encourage invented spelling during journal writing at this age.

However, this perfectionist of a child that I have just wants to know,

"Am I spelling it RIGHT! mom???"

and then we illustrated our journal entries.

Oh! I have to tell you about the journal!

I found it at Wal-Mart when I was visiting my parents.

It's made by Mead and I love it because it has a red line cue

at the bottom so that beginning writers know where to rest their letters.

And it has a space for illustrating.


Then we had DIRT!!!!

And evil mommy that I am, I totally freaked my kids out!

Isabella started yelling, "I don't want to eat DIRT from OUTSIDE! NO!"

There were even tears.

Then JT figured out the worm looked more like candy

than a worm from the sidewalk.

So he took the plunge.

So Isabella decided it couldn't be that bad.

This is his, "Mom, this is Oreos, not DIRT" face.

Mmm-mmm good.

Like I said - not fancy shmancy.

And I'm not reinventing the wheel here.

Just a fun thing to do with your kids that incorporates

some literacy, some learning, and some fun :)


Other fun books for exploring journal writing -

Diary of a Spider

Diary of a Fly

Diary of a Wombat

Kindergarten Diary

The Diary of Hansel & Gretel

Memoirs of a Goldfish

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