Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I {LOVE} Wednesday: OC Great Park & RAZOR!!!!

Align CenterWe love the Orange County Great Park - what's not to love?

They have a giant orange balloon and a carousel!

So when I had the opportunity to attend a Blog Crush event

at the OC Great Park that was hosted by Razor I was so excited

that I was able to go.

It was my first Blog Crush event and I was thrilled that it was

a family event that I could bring the Littles to

and that there would be cool things for them to do.

JT was super excited to go and that he got to wear his

rad Razor helmet that he loves.

I think sometimes he wants to ride his Razor scooter or bike just

so he can wear his super cool helmet.

We brought our picnic dinner in our super cool

Longaberger picnic basket.

The were thrilled that Daddy could come

and that we could check off something from our Summer

Bucket List - a picnic at the park!

Razor had several of their new scooters for the

kids that were in attendance to try out.

I thought the eSpark electric scooter was UBER cool.

It was too advanced for my 5 and 2 year old,

(suggested age is 8+)

but they loved watching the older kids ride around

with the sparks flying.

JT and JJ got to try out the Razor water pellet guns

and had a great time.

I was chasing Isabella around so she could fly her fun

airplane, so I missed taking pictures of the target practice.

Razor had a fun Twitter stream scavenger hunt

where they Tweeted a clue and then you had to find it.

They gave away some rad prizes, but we weren't fast enough

to run with the big boys, so we rode the carousel instead :)

It was a great night and I loved that my first Blog Crush event

was a family event and that I got to see fun people like

Kara Noel and Julie.

Thanks Razor, OC Great Park, and Blog Crush!!!

It was awesome.

P.S. JT wants you all to know that his Razor handles

pull out and are super cool.

Razor USA on Twitter

Razor USA on Facebook


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