Thursday, September 30, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 4: GIVEAWAY #3

Howdy PAR-TAY goers!
Did you enter all the giveaways so far???
You're going to love this giveaway.

The totally cool Christine & Co is here to give away
your choice of one of her super unique,
one-of-kind pendants
from her Etsy shop.

Like this rad hand drawn custom family pendant . . .
a darling patchwork pendant . . .

or a black and white embossed pendant.
To enter
Head on over to Christine & Co's Shop and have a look around.
*HEART* her shop
and then come back here and leave me a comment telling me which pendant you'd choose if you win.
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.

Giveaway ends Oct. 5th at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 4: GIVEAWAY #2

Welcome to the PAR-TAY!!
Here's a little peek at my shop, Polka Dots on Parade!
I love to make simple items that make your life a little more fun!

Cooking becomes so much more fun with a little color in your hands! Fun fabrics to match any kitchen's personality and a double layer of insulation make these potholders a great accessory! They also make great gifts for weddings, showers, and those big kids starting out on their own!

How sad are kids with a boo-boo?

These rice-filled bags can be stored in the freezer or heated up to ease tears away and bring smiles to little faces.

Bibs keep those babies from ruining their favorite clothes or soaking them with all that blubber that comes out of baby! Don't cover her cute outfit up with any old blah bib; keep her cute!

I'm giving away a $20 gift certificate to my shop!
Thanks for visiting and good luck!!

Visit Polka Dots On Parade
*HEART* her shop
and leave me a comment telling me what your TWO favorite items are.

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.
(not per email address - per person)
Giveaway ends Oct. 5th at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 4: GIVEAWAY #1

Are you all enjoying the PAR-TAY???
I'm so glad you've been joining me and my guests.

Our first giveaway today comes from another one of my
crafty sister-in-laws!
Marianne is one crafty lady!

She just started a fun craft blog called Dragonfly Wishes
and she's working on getting her Etsy shop set up.

Last year she made me one of these . . .

and I love it!

Just recently she made herself a reversible table runner.
How cool and smart is that??
One side is Halloween and the other side is Fall/Thanksgiving.

She also makes darling word blocks.

And I'm in love with her Halloween countdown blocks!
(I'm picking up the set I ordered today!)

Today she's giving away a set of her
Itty Bitty Countdown Blocks.
How cute are they???
And just in time for Halloween!
To enter:
Head on over to Dragonfly Wishes and have a look around.
Become a follower through Google Friend Connect and
leave her a comment on your favorite project.
Then, come back here and leave me a comment letting me know you did it.

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.
(not per email address - per person)

Giveaway ends Oct. 5th at MIDNIGHT PST

P.S. If you're interested in ordering any of Marianne's awesome stuff before she gets her Etsy shop up and running, you can contact her at

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 3: GIVEAWAY #3

Hello. I am so excited to be a guest at this super fun par-tay! I am Kristen from a little blog called My Junk Drawer, I also have a shop that I am still getting started, Handmade by Kristen. I decided I wanted to join in on the fun train of giveaways, so I am here to give one of you awesome Funky Polkadot Giraffe readers one of my homemade scripture totes.

It is perfect size for a set of scriptures and some pens/crayons. If you don't want to use it as a scripture bag it is the perfect size for a small purse for you or a lucky little girl in your life.

And since I am feeling nice today, the winner gets to choose from these red fabrics...

Here is what you need to do to win:

Mandatory Entry: Visit my shop and tell me what you think would be a good addition to it. What would like to see there?

2nd entry: follow Funky Polkadot Giraffe

3rd entry: Follow me over at My Junk Drawer

4th entry: blog about this giveaway and totally cool par-tay and put a link back to it in the comments.

Please leave a separate comment for each.

Thanks to Kyla for letting me visit her blog today!

Kyla's Fine Print:
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

Giveaway ends Oct. 4th at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 3: GIVEAWAY #2 + Tutorial

Hi there!!

I'm Jen from Tatertots & Jello!

Thanks Kyla for letting me stop by and join the party!!

I'd love to share a little project I'm a little obsessed with right now --

Rolled Flower Brooches!

These are addicting to make!

Here's what you need:
Fabric {either three different coordinating fabrics or one}
Liquid Stitch
Gorilla Glue or a Glue Gun
A Fastener

Here's what you do:

  • Make the flowers. Cut a length of fabric 1/2" wide and the length depends on how big you want the flower to be. 18 inches makes about a 2 inch flower.

  • put a little Liquid Stitch in the middle of the end of the fabric. Fold the fabric in half and roll it up a few times -- very tightly.

  • Put another dab of Liquid Stitch next to the roll and fold it over. Keep folding and wrapping as you go around the outside of the rolled material. Add a dab of Liquid stitch every 1/2 turn or so.

  • When you get to the end of the material, fold about 1/2 inch under the back of the material, adding a bunch of Liquid Stitch underneath. Let dry.

  • Make as many flowers as you want for your brooch.

  • Once you have all of your flowers made, secure the flowers to the felt using either hot glue or Gorilla Glue. Let dry. Cut a few strips of material about 1/3 inch wide and attach those under the rolled flowers.

  • Cut around the flowers.

  • Add some hot glue or Gorilla Glue to the back of the felt. Then put the fastener on top and let dry.

And you are done!
Now you have a colorful brooch you can wear on a purse, a winter coat or sweater!! Or, you could attach them to a headband or hair clip for a fun hair accessory. It's my latest obsession -- I can't stop making them!!

Would you like to win these two brooches??

Here's how you can win --
  • Leave a comment on this post. (Mandatory entry)
Extra entries:

And, if you want to win the purse and another two brooches, come over to my
Tatertots & Jello Facebook page --
I'm giving them away in my {birthday giveaway}!!

Thanks for letting me come by!!


Kyla's Fine Print:

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

Giveaway ends Oct. 4th at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 3: GIVEAWAY #1

Hi! I'm Melanie from Strawberry Sweetie's Shoppe.
I am new at all this so I just have a blog for now (still figuring out Etsy).
But there are lots of pictures on there.
I make holiday and custom made blocks.
I also make Christmas Stockings (which are so fun to make!) and embellished kitchen towels.

The item that I am offering today for Kyla's PAR-TAY is a Trick-or-Treat bag.
(I had to do candy corns just for you Kyla!!)
It's way cuter than a pillowcase and more durable than those cheap pumpkin buckets!
I made them for my kids last year and they loved them!

Here is a picture of my daughter showing off the bag I made for her last year!

Visit Melanie's Blog
become a follower and leave her a comment
then come back here and tell me you did.

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.
(not per email address - per person)
Giveaway ends Oct. 4th at MIDNIGHT PST

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 2: GIVEAWAY #2

Hi Funky Polkadot Giraffe readers!

My name is Kimmie and I am in the middle of transforming my current blog Live Fancy to my new blog Sugar and Dots.

To help kick off the first day of my new site, and to join in on the super fun party over here, I would love to offer you a Family Tree Print from my shop.

I can either send it to you in PDF format so that you can print several copies on your own, or I can send you an 8x10 on glossy photo paper.

Your choice!

This tree can hold up to 26 names or dates, and makes the perfect gift.

{hel-lo holidays...}

To enter:

Visit Kimmie's Etsy shop
Sugar and Dots
and leave a comment telling me what your TWO favorite items are.
(I love the Fancy Pants!)

Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

ONE entry per person.
(not per email address - per person)
Giveaway ends Oct. 3rd at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 2: GIVEAWAY #1


I’m honored to be here at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe for Kyla’s par-tay!!

(Does everybody else say that in their head with a valley girl accent??)

My name is Kara-Noel. This is me and my family….
IMG_0863 My eyes are squinty but I love the wind blowing my locks… and this is the ONLY picture of me taken within the last 3 months with clothes on. Since the birth of baby #3, I’m usually in PJs. You didn’t think I was naked all the time, did you? :) I digress… I’m not here to talk about my clothes, I get to host an awesome giveaway from my biz, Eli’s Lids.

ElisLidsButton I started Eli’s Lids, a line for baby boys (& tomboys), after my son was born and I realized lil’ boys get the shaft when it comes to fashion! Baby girls adorned in ruffles, sparkles and bows are forever getting ooos and ahhs from strangers while baby boys are ignored on the sidelines wearing spit-up stained onsies. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but you get the idea. Unsatisfied with the options out there, I started to make my first son hats and noticed a funky hat would add lots of style to his plain outfits. Eli’s Lids was born!

IMG_5197Not only are the Lids adorable they are practical - Our smaller size Lid fit from Newborn till 1-years-old and our larger size fits from 1 thru 5-years-old.

Below is our most popular style, the Snowboarder Lid. IMG_4584 As you can see we have girl stuff too…

We have just started to dabble in Tees. Always inspired by my son, Eli, the premier line is all about pirates. The first (in a series of 4) pirate tee comes out next week. But I’ll give you a sneak peek…

IMG_0831The winner of this giveaway will receive a gift certificate (via coupon code) for $25 to the Eli’s Lids shop.

Fun Fun Fun!!

To enter…

Mandatory entry: Leave a comment here with a few things your little guy (or a friend’s little guy) is into. OR a few fashions you would LOVE to see for little boys.

Extra entries: (one extra entry per item & leave a separate comment for each extra entry!!)
  • Tweet about the giveaway with a link to the Par-tay
(Come to the PAR-TAY @funkyPDgiraffe ! It's awesomespice! #giveaways, #tutorials, #recipes! oh my!)
  • Blog about Funky Polkadot Giraffe’s Par-tay and leave a link to your post in your comment.

Thanks to all who enter and I hope you visit the Eli’s Lids blog to learn more about us!

disgrunt trucker
Kyla's Fine Print :)
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

Giveaway ends Oct. 3rd at MIDNIGHT PST

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 2: RECIPE

This fun post comes to us from my darling sister-in-law Larissa.
She likes to craft, sew, and bake.
That's why I like her so much :)
She just started a blog called
Comfy Monster's Craft Corner
and you should follow her for fun baking and crafting awesomeness.(Little Rissa with my Little Izzy)

Time to start the Fall Festivities!

(even though in Utah we are still experiencing weather in the 90's)

You can't have fall with out Pumpkins,

So why not make a Delicious Pumpkin Roll...

I can Smell it in my Oven already

(really i can)

Where is what you will need:

  • 3 eggs
  • 2/3 c. canned Pumpkin

  • 1 c. Sugar

  • 1 tsp. Lemon Juice

  • 3/4 c. All purpose flour

  • 1 tsp. Baking Powder

  • 2 tsp. Cinnomon

  • 1 tsp. Ginger

  • 1/2 tsp. Nutmeg

  • 1/2 tsp. Salt

  • 8oz. Cream Cheese- Softened
  • 4 Tbs. Butter

  • 1/2 tsp. Vanilla

  • 1 c. Powder Sugar

In a large Bowl, combine eggs and Sugar. Beating with electric mixer until thick and light yellow in color.

Add Pumpkin And Lemon Juice mixing until Blended.

(I got so excited about making the pumpkin roll i forgot to take a picture. Sorry)

Add flour, backing powder, spices, and salt. Mix well.

Spread batter into greased and wax paper lined 10x15 cook sheet.

Bake @ 350 for 15 min.

When done (toothpick needs to come out clean) remove from oven.

Cool for 15 min.

Then Place cake on Clean Tea Towel (or any "non" textured towel) Sprinkled with Power Sugar.

Remove Wax paper and Cool 10 more min.

From Short side roll cake up in towel. Set aside.

While Cake is cooling in towel prepare filling.

Beat together cream cheese and butter;

stir in powdered sugar and vanilla until smooth.

Unroll Cake. Evenly spread filling over cake.

Roll up cake (without towel)

Wrap in Plastic wrap.

Cover and chill for at least 1 hour.

Slice before serving.

Keep leftovers Refrigerated.

(it keeps well frozen also.)

Enjoy, my husband and I really enjoyed ours.