Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 2: GIVEAWAY #1


I’m honored to be here at Funky PolkaDot Giraffe for Kyla’s par-tay!!

(Does everybody else say that in their head with a valley girl accent??)

My name is Kara-Noel. This is me and my family….
IMG_0863 My eyes are squinty but I love the wind blowing my locks… and this is the ONLY picture of me taken within the last 3 months with clothes on. Since the birth of baby #3, I’m usually in PJs. You didn’t think I was naked all the time, did you? :) I digress… I’m not here to talk about my clothes, I get to host an awesome giveaway from my biz, Eli’s Lids.

ElisLidsButton I started Eli’s Lids, a line for baby boys (& tomboys), after my son was born and I realized lil’ boys get the shaft when it comes to fashion! Baby girls adorned in ruffles, sparkles and bows are forever getting ooos and ahhs from strangers while baby boys are ignored on the sidelines wearing spit-up stained onsies. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but you get the idea. Unsatisfied with the options out there, I started to make my first son hats and noticed a funky hat would add lots of style to his plain outfits. Eli’s Lids was born!

IMG_5197Not only are the Lids adorable they are practical - Our smaller size Lid fit from Newborn till 1-years-old and our larger size fits from 1 thru 5-years-old.

Below is our most popular style, the Snowboarder Lid. IMG_4584 As you can see we have girl stuff too…

We have just started to dabble in Tees. Always inspired by my son, Eli, the premier line is all about pirates. The first (in a series of 4) pirate tee comes out next week. But I’ll give you a sneak peek…

IMG_0831The winner of this giveaway will receive a gift certificate (via coupon code) for $25 to the Eli’s Lids shop.

Fun Fun Fun!!

To enter…

Mandatory entry: Leave a comment here with a few things your little guy (or a friend’s little guy) is into. OR a few fashions you would LOVE to see for little boys.

Extra entries: (one extra entry per item & leave a separate comment for each extra entry!!)
  • Tweet about the giveaway with a link to the Par-tay
(Come to the PAR-TAY @funkyPDgiraffe ! It's awesomespice! http://bit.ly/9SYs38 #giveaways, #tutorials, #recipes! oh my!)
  • Blog about Funky Polkadot Giraffe’s Par-tay and leave a link to your post in your comment.

Thanks to all who enter and I hope you visit the Eli’s Lids blog to learn more about us!

disgrunt trucker
Kyla's Fine Print :)
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

Giveaway ends Oct. 3rd at MIDNIGHT PST

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