Monday, September 27, 2010

Funky PolkaDot Giraffe Blog PAR-TAY Day 1: GIVEAWAY #3

I am super excited to be here with Kyla celebrating in her Party Week! I am Tasha from over at Creation Corner and I have a cute little shop called My Creation Corner that I love to fill with my obsession of making hair accessories.

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Today, I will be giving away this set of hair accessories. Since is fall is here I thought you might be needing some new fall hair items just like I do.
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This is a brown vintage flower on a clear headband.
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Along with an orange Vintage Flower hairclip.
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Here is what you need to do to win:
The first mandatory entry is to go check out my shop, My Creation Corner, and tell me what you would choose if you could have anything from my shop.
(Who knows...maybe if you win I just might add a similar item to your package too. I am fun that way sometimes.)

Additional Entries: Be a follower of Funky PolkaDot Giraffe
Be a follower of my blog, Creation Corner
Blog about this giveaway

Kyla's Fine Print :)
Be sure to leave your email address as well so I can contact you if you win!
If you don't leave an email address, or if your profile isn't linked to your email,
I'll pick a different winner!

Giveaway ends Oct. 2nd at MIDNIGHT PST

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