Monday, January 9, 2012

January Fun: Roll a Snowman

The January snowman fun continues!

When I first started this project, I was going to make
it out of paper, but decided making good use of the
abundance of felt that I've collected over the past year
would be an awesome idea.

You'll need:
  • felt
  • snowman template
  • Roll a Snowman Card
  • old cereal box
  • freezer paper (not necessary - but awesome)

First I traced the snowman shape onto freezer paper.
I love freezer paper, because then you can iron
it onto your fabric and it adheres temporarily.

Next I cut two pieces of felt that were slightly
larger than the piece of cardboard that I cut from
the cereal box.
I wanted it to be semi-stiff.
If you want yours to be soft and pliable,
you can skip the cereal box.

Then cut out your snowman and sew it to one
of your larger pieces of felt.

I hadn't planned on giving him arms,
but this really bothered JT, so I used some
pieces of ribbon as arms.

On the other piece of felt I sewed a little pocket.
Mine was 7x9" and I folded the top down 1"
and top stitched before using a 1/4" seam
to attach it to the large piece of felt.

Next I stitched around three of the four sides with a 1/4"
seam, leaving the top open so I could slip the piece
of cardboard in between.

Then I closed off the top and my snowman board was ready!

Next I made the pieces.
Except for the hat, I just free-hand sewed the shapes.
It was my first time doing such a bold thing and it was a lot of fun :)

I used kind of a reversed technique where
I had two squares or rectangle pieces of felt sandwiched together
and then I would free-hand sew the design on and then cut it out.
It worked really well.

I made both a carrot and button nose again for JT,
because, "Mom, Frosty has a button nose."

I made the Roll a Snowman card
(which I plan to laminate),
and we are ready to ROLL.

You can download yours HERE!!!!

You can do this with paper and laminate the pieces
if the felt thing isn't your gig.
If you do make one for your kids, I'd love to see it!
You can link it up to my Flickr group - it's looking a little sad.

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