Wednesday, February 8, 2012

{Love} Month: I love jUice! Valentines

I really loved making last year's Valentines with the kids' faces.
It seemed so personal and a fun way for the kids to participate
in their Valentines with their neurotic perfectionist mother :)
But this year I was stumped!
I couldn't figure out what we could do that hadn't already been done.
Pinterest is an amazing thing, but it also puts on the
pressure to think of something new and exciting.

On Monday I was perusing the Dollar Store to pick up
some glitter bugs.
Isabella talked me into the the "treat" aisle
so she could go and get some Jesse juice boxes
like she got on our last trip there.
They didn't have any Jesse juice, but they did have Hello, Kitty!

They were so dang cute and got my wheels turning.
Olive juice.
I love juice.
I love jUice!!!!!

So we started with our photo shoot again.
She was easily distracted and got bored :)

And then she got silly.

But then we captured the perfect one and added
a little red text to match her cute Joy's Hope dress.

Once I had the picture I had to figure out how to package it all up.
I remembered a cute idea for a Cupcake Take Along,
so I used it as a jumping point.

Since I was making them last minute (what's new?) - I was glad I had
all the items to make them in my stash :)
My inspiration used a fancy glue thingy, but I just used my glue gun
and a gluestick and they worked like a charm.
I added a tiny bit of Velcro to keep the Valentine closed
until you open it to reveal the secret.

If you'd like to make some I love jUice! Valentines of your own,
I have a PNG file for your picture - you just slide your picture
in behind in a photo editing software program
and a PDF file of the I love jUice! page for you to download.
You can get them HERE!!!

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