Monday, December 5, 2011

Picture a Christmas: A Christmas Lesson

This year it was my turn to teach the Christmas
lesson to all the Young Women at church.
I worried for weeks about what to do,
and then one evening I realized I wanted to use the theme
"Picture a Christmas" from the LDS Children's Songbook.
One Christmas was I was about 9 years old - I'm guessing -
Christmas fell on a Sunday and I sang it for sacrament meeting
and then I sang it for the children at juvenile hall.
I've been in love with the song ever since.
(P.S. I can't believe my mom took me to juvi to sing!)

So I asked my friend Leilani and her beautiful girls to open my lesson
by singing "Picture a Christmas".
My friend plays ukelele and they all sing beautifully.
Leilani writes her own harmonies,
so the song was gorgeous.

Then I shared the quote by Elder Neal A. Maxwell,
"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!"

And then proceeded with the following
activity/experience that I found on
I used my favorite Nativity that my Grandma Meyer gave me.
It is truly a treasure.
I wrapped each piece individually and placed them in a large basket.

I had each girl take a gift from the basket,
and we opened them in the order below.
I created the cards using some of text from the lesson
on Sugardoodle and the digital scrapbook kit
by Jacque Larsen at The Lilypad.

After the Shepherds my friend Jen and I sang
"Were You There" by Natalie Sleeth.

After Joseph I read an excerpt about Joseph
from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk -
"Maybe Christmas Doesn't Come from a Store."
Then I played for them a recording of the song
"Guard Him, Joseph" by Sally DeFord.

After Mary I read I read an excerpt about Mary
from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk -
"Maybe Christmas Doesn't Come from a Store."

After we opened Baby Jesus I shared this video that I also
found on Sugardoodle.

I ended by bearing my testimony of the divinity of
the Savior and my gratitude for His life, his sacrifice,
and his resurrection.
I shared my gratitude for His mother and surrogate father,
for their sacrifice and strength.

I reiterated the quote by Elder Neal A. Maxwell,
"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!"

And challenged them to make room for Christ in their lives
this Christmas season.
I gave them a pillowcase to remind them that
when they go to rest their head, that
Jesus had no place and to give Him a place.
I also printed a set of the cards for them so
they could use them with their own families.

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