Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tutorial Thursday: {The Isabella} Pleated Flounce Skirt

I'm slightly obsessed with making skirts for Isabella.
She loves them.
She likes dresses, but she {LOVES} skirts!

It all started with this skirt.

At Halloween, it was the tutu skirt
for her Little Red Riding Hood Costume.

Then I repurposed a pillowcase
I made for Isabella for her first trip
to Disneyland into this skirt
to match her the Minnie Cupcake shirt I made.

For Thanksgiving I made a skirt to match
her turkey face shirt.

And most recently I made a fabulous
little skirt for a cookie decorating party the
kids were invited to.

I just adore the pleats at the bottom,
so I decided to share with you how I made it,
in case you adore pleats like I do.

You'll need at least a 1/3 of a yard of your main fabric,
at least 15" of your contrasting fabric for the pleats,
and elastic to fit your little lady's waist.

Here is how I worked my math :) -
get ready for a wild ride into madness. LOL

I measured my little Isabella and I wanted my skirt to be 10" long.
However, I wanted my pleats to be about 2.5" long
and I need 1.75" for my waistband and work in .5" for
seam allowances.

10 - 2.5 = 7.5 + 1.75 = 9.25 + .5 = 9.75

I determined I that my main fabric piece
needed to be 9.75 inches long.

My waistband measurement comes from the fact
that my elastic is 1" wide, I roll it under .5"
first, and then 1.25" the second time to create
the casing. I roll it 1.25" the second time
so that I can topstitch the top seam too -
to keep the elastic from rolling.

First, cut your main fabric.
Using my measurements above, I cut 9.75"

When you open it up, you should have a long
piece that is 9.75" wide from selvage to selvage.

Next, you'll need to cut three 5" strips of your
contrasting fabric. Again, when you open them up
the will be 5" wide and run selvage to selvage.

Iron all of your pieces.
Then sew your pieces for pleating together
at the selvage ends, so you have one long strip that is 5" wide.
(Do not join the ends - you want a strip, not a tube.)

Now, go back to your iron and iron your pleat piece
in half - wrong sides together - so that it is now 2.5" wide.

Now it's time to make the marks for the pleat folds.
I decided I wanted my pleats 1.5", so every 1.5" inches
I made a mark with a Sharpie.
Continue marking the entire length of the fabric.

Starting at the right end of your strip, match
two marks together for each pleat. Pin pleat in place.

Continue pleating and pinning down the entire length of the fabric.

Run a basting stitch along the top edge of your pleats.

Pin the pleats to the right side bottom edge of your main fabric.

Sew the two together with with a seam allowance that is
just wider than where your basting stitch falls.

If you are fancy and have a serger, I recommend serging
the edge of this seam.
If you are not fancy like me and don't have a serger,
sew over the edge with a zigzag stitch to prevent fraying.

Flip your piece over and iron the seam.
Then topstitch.

Now it's time to join the selvage edges of your fabric,
creating a big fancy tube of fabric.

To create the casing for your waistband, fold and press the top
edge to the wrong side twice - first .5" and then just slightly larger
then the elastic you are using. I used 1" elastic
so I folded and pressed it about 1.25" the second time.
Now, topstitch both the bottom and top of the casing.
Leave about 2" open at the bottom of the casing to feed your elastic into.

I figure what length of elastic I need by just measuring
Isabella's waist. I don't add or subtract.
I know there are different methods for this.
I've been most successful by making the elastic the exact
same as her waist and then when I secure it
in the waist band, overlapping it about 1".

Feed your elastic through the casing by attaching a safety pin
to one end of the elastic and feeding it through the opening, all
the way around, and back out the opening.

Then, overlap the elastic about 1" and sew a rectangle on
the overlapping edges.
Push the remainder of the elastic back up in the
opening of the casing and finish the topstitching
to close off the casing.

You're done!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Saturday Shout Outs:The {After Christmas} Edition

There were so many fabulous ideas at
last week's TOO Cute Tuesday,
that I had to feature some of them!

{Santa's Suit Pops @ the seven year cottage}
I should have totally made these for my Cookie Exchange Party!
They went perfectly with the theme!

{DIY Hair Headband Tutorial @ Ruby Jean}
This is just gorgeous. I need Isabella to grow about
3X's more hair and then we'll be in business.

{Snowman Ornament Tutorial @ The Sasse Life}
I am such a sucker for snowmen. I wish I would
have seen the giveaway before it ended!

{Christmas Cupcake Ornaments @ Homespun with Love}
I've always wanted to make these and I love the tutorial!

{Big Bow Beanie @ Little Rays of Sunshine}
This is super darling!

{Cookie Exchange @ Just Sew Sassy}
Staci was inspired by my Cookie Exchange and hosted one of her own
It was super cute!!!

{Fleece Blanket Tutorial @ Polish the Stars}
This is perfect because JT got a fleece blanket and Isabella
didn't and she, of course, wants one :)

{Simple Puppet Tutorial @ Serving Pink Lemonade}
So, so, so fun! And I love that the kids can help design them.

If you were featured,
please feel free to grab a button if you'd like!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

TOO Cute Tuesday: Linky Par-Tay! #63

Merry Christmas!
I'm a couple of days late,
but what's new :)
I hope your Christmas was fabulous.
Now link up the last minute gifties
and lovelies you made!

Now onto TOO Cute Tuesday!

What did you make this week that is TOO Cute??
Come link up!

  • Must be made by you.
  • Link up to the specific post - not your main blog.
  • No Etsy shops or giveaways please :)
  • Please post the button or link back here so more people can join in the fun.
  • Visit some of the other participants and leave them some LOVE!
TOO Cute Tuesday will be open Tuesday-Saturday.
On Saturday or Monday I'll highlight some of my favorites
and then we'll start over on Tuesday!

This post brought to you by:

I changed the linky party so that the most recently uploaded project will show up as number one. This way everyone gets a chance on top. So, look in the first spot for your project, not at the end. Thanks!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cookie Exchange 2011: Cookies for Santa

It was time once again for my annual cookie exchange.
So, a theme was chosen (Cookies for Santa), the invites went out,
an apron was made, and eleven awesome ladies converged on my home.

The contestants were . . .

Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies
Reindeer Cookies, Spritz Cookies,
Chocolate Cake Reese's Peanut Butter Chunk Cookies, Mexican Wedding Cookies,
Gingerbread Cookies, Apple Chip Cookies,
Alfajores and Cinnamon Roll Cookies.

Of course there were treats and snacks served -
including a hot chocolate and hot cider bar, complete with Cinnamon Dolce Syrup.
My favorite snack was the Santa Hat Party Mix.

The little Santa hats were just so dang cute!

After some snack eating and waiting for the last
two guests to arrive, we had a little handmade gift exchange.
We all unwrapped a gift and then for two minutes
two sets of dice went around the circle.
Every time you rolled a seven or doubles you had
to trade/steal another gift.
It was CRAZY!
I lucked out and got these yummy
and darling cupcakes from my friend Vicki.

Next year I will take pictures of all the fabulous handmade gifts.
Angry Julie brought a pennant that was fiercely fought for,
Kara-Noel made a cute bow tie & bow tie headband set,
Jaime sewed up some HO HO hot pads,
Syl made a fab sugar scrub,
Sam made a darling purple monster friend
that she stole back FROM ME so she only had to make
one for Christmas - smart lady!
There were other fabulous gifts that I don't remember,
but they were all awesome.

Then it was onto the official vote!
I got really fancy this year and made cute voting sheets.

And of course there were prizes!

Vicki took Most Festively Dressed!
And added more hair accessories to her coif.

Jen took the tastiest cookie and won the coveted apron.
(Double Mint Yummies)

Kara-Noel claimed the Best Looking Cookie
and won cute cookie cutters.
(Caramel Filled Chocolate Cookies)

Jaime was shocked to take The Most Creative Cookie
and got some serious Ghiradelli hot cocoa with mugs.
(Reindeer Cookies)

Marianne definitely had the Prettiest Cookie Display
and took home a rad cheese cutting board.
(Cinnamon Roll Cookies - lighted tower)

And no Cookie Exchange Party would be complete
without a little gift to take home.
Keeping with the "Cookies for Santa" theme,
I made these!

The haul was quite lovely!

And I had to fight my kids and husband from
eating them the minute the last guest left.

I made Alfajores this year and I'm sharing the
recipe card I made with you.